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No calculator will escape unscathed


Did Mazón insist on not raising the level of disaster to maintain command? Did you do it thinking about the political significance that it would have for the PP if it were to ask for soups from the “Sanchista” government? Is this what pushed Feijóo to interpret this first out-of-tune tune that time has left outside of reality?

The disaster in the parking lot of a shopping center in Aldaia: “You don’t know how many people there could be inside”

"In politics, it happens like in mathematics: everything that is not completely correct is wrong."

Ted Kennedy

I’m going to talk about politics. It’s compatible with the commiseration that overwhelms me. I want to tell the so-called politicians that if, as the people perceived, they engaged in a tactical calculation of their position before devoting themselves to helping the victims, they are screwed. Both. Anyone who has calculated the political consequences of acting one way or another will not be safe. All those who have calculated whether it was beneficial or harmful for them to warn sooner or later, to ask for help sooner or later, to send help sooner or later, all bear without remission human lives on their backs. I don’t need to tell you, the Valencians, the Spaniards know it, we know it.

I’m going to talk about politics because we’re not going to leave room for packs. No, it’s not just the people who save the people, nor do we live in a failed state. Those who use this horrible misfortune for their infamous cultural battle will not emerge unscathed either. Those who seek absurd arguments, those who defend their own people tooth and nail, those who accuse their adversaries with fire and blood, those who see everything as evil, those who excuse everything, none will emerge unscathed.

There are not two shores, nor two Spains, nor two black and white realities in this pain. The dead, the survivors, the ruined are neither on one side nor the other. No one asked the thousands of people who gathered to help if they were one color or another or who they were voting for. There is no time. The important thing is to help, save and help. This was felt by the entire population. The mud of the networks, as dense as that which rages in Valencia, does not cover the common sense of a terrified people, who believed that our first global resources would be effective in the face of any catastrophe and who saw, amazed, how the calculation has demolished all your confidence. Because there were calculations and no one is letting me down on that.

Mazón, the Valencian president, is a political corpse, but he will not be the only one. An independent committee will have to analyze, when everything happens, what went wrong, where and how to do it better. Before we get there, we all know that the President of the Valencian Community acted late and that even if part of the population – those who worked, for example, in the Deputation or at the University of Valencia – were dismissed at home, the majority of them did not receive the warning or instruction in time to take shelter at altitude. There’s no way around it, that’s how it happened. It also happened that the scale of the disaster exceeded the Valencian institutions. It wasn’t strange. This is the biggest natural disaster that Spain has known, at least as far as I can remember, because there have been others, but the number of victims of this one will eclipse them. Did Mazón insist on not raising the level of disaster to maintain command? Did you do it thinking about the political significance that it would have for the PP if it were to ask for soups from the “Sanchista” government? Is this what pushed Feijóo to interpret this first out-of-tune tune that time has left outside of reality?

Sánchez also can’t get his chest out. From Tuesday afternoon to Saturday morning, not only did it rain a lot, but it died too much. The president delivered a devastating sentence: “If they need more resources, let them ask for them. » Only a believer can applaud this expression which contains within it all the shame of times gone by. Have you calculated that it was politically interesting for the leaders of the PP to ruminate on their own incompetence before speaking out not to help them but to help the citizens? It sounds horrible, but it’s a question that needs to be asked and lies deep in many Spaniards’ allusions to the need for the government to have taken the reins of such a disaster much earlier. Valencia is a small territory, like most, and everyone’s strength comes from the integrity of the nation. Isn’t this fundamentally what we constantly repeat to the separatists: that their dream is because they could not achieve it alone?

I am not going to pontificate here on the question of whether it was Mazón who had to decree emergency level 3 or whether the government could proclaim emergency 3 itself, because it affected several communities, or whether the solution was a state of alarm. This is finger pointing. What we all know is that if this is not a maximum level of emergency, may God make us confess when the authorities deem it necessary to proclaim it. Until Thursday afternoon, when at 5:27 p.m. Mazón finally admitted that he needed the army, which was indeed alerted and prepared for its deployment, in fact, aspiring for its deployment, what are we to think that is was going through the minds of some and others? What did Mazón think of taking two days to make the request? What were the central government and its ministers doing holding on, watching the hours and the corpses pass, waiting for him to get off the donkey? It is very difficult to emerge unscathed from so much wickedness.

These were hours and hours of decisive infamy. Abroad, they must have thought that we could not react, so they offered firefighters and resources, and it was not because we had the means and means that we had held them back while waiting for these powers are taken away from them. We will never be able to know how many people who were holding the breath of life, locked in cars or premises or crushed by a landslide, could have survived if they had been rescued in a massive, immediate and explosive way, with all means. necessary. the power of the Spanish state, one of the powerful economies of the West. There everyone with their conscience if they have one.

The president’s appearance on Saturday was late. Minister Torres’ explanations on the crisis cabinet were rare, not very communicative and not very satisfactory. The fact of not having immediately convened the Council of Ministers to declare the zone catastrophic is a political error. We all know that this declaration is used to transmit aid and that it will not be paid before Tuesday, but we see how this could be delayed until next Tuesday while the decree of the RTVE advisors was published urgently Saturday at the BOE, we will understand the lack of speed of the decision.

We can say everything or nothing about the Valencian authorities. His performance was a big void. This is proof that in weak times, the affectionate, the co-religionists, the least protesting end up being chosen for responsibilities, but that these do not necessarily have to be the most capable of managing people’s lives and even less so. to respond to challenges of this magnitude. . Feijóo, in his haste, made some wrong calculations and thought it was a good idea to go and support him by questioning the scientists’ predictions. This terrible idea will not come for free either, which, like others, also responds to the political calculation of not giving even a bubble of oxygen to the Sánchez government so as not to alleviate its weakness.

A particular reference to all those who have nothing to calculate: members of the army and the police, volunteer citizens, donors, disaster victims full of courage and solidarity with their suffering neighbors. No one has calculated anything other than the immense flow of solidarity and humanity which unites us in misfortune and which should also be able to unite us in hope.

The political calculations, if there are any, will not be done well. There is no possible story in the face of the force of nature, the smallness of humans and the enormous suffering of our compatriots. He does not praise and will not praise. They will see it. Reality has overtaken them.



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