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HomeLatest NewsNo, I don't want the right to restore 'their' order

No, I don’t want the right to restore ‘their’ order

Some of us like an order, our order, where all people are equal, regardless of race, age, religion or gender. The same order that would not allow pirate or exploiter businessmen. Nor will I accept the impunity of kings, nobles, bishops or priests.

Political scientists don’t like the fact that voters are encouraged to vote against. It seems to them that playing the lesser evil is a bad habit. They prefer to praise your merits or your virtues rather than attack the opponent. GOOD. Maybe that’s the case. But they will have to recognize that the mission is difficult, because the two things are irremediably linked, like heads and tails, Romeo and Juliet, Tom and Jerry or Díaz-Ayuso and Miguel Ángel Rodríguez. It happens to many political scientists, excuse the generalization, that so much innate reading among graduates of the Sorbonne, Harvard or Cambridge cools them a little and that so much objectivity deprives them of their passion. We, columnists, are of another type, frivolous to the point of bursting and our blood hotter than an afternoon chocolate. If we were otherwise, we would devote ourselves to more decent professions, such as influencers or apostles of bitcoins.

We could of course demand that the left we are considering voting for does better, much better. Let him throw away the remains once and for all so that all Spaniards can have decent housing, young and old, this generation between 30 and 50 years old, locked in nothingness. At the very least, let the Minister of Housing not embarrass us all with these calls for Franciscan love, simple brother. Is there no one on the left who has a sensible idea to start fixing this mess? Also: the 3,800 million spent by this government on addiction have been left in sheer misery in the face of the crushing reality that 40,447 people died in 2023 while waiting to be assessed or treated, 111 every day, one every 13 minutes and 292,792 people are currently on the waiting list. A government of progress? Not much, judging by these numbers. Yes, that’s right, we could continue on this path until we get tired. And also, of course, I should highlight his many achievements, which, as you know, exist. There will be times to do it.

But at the same time, we have the right, if not the duty, to warn the public about how these things that concern us so much would play out if we were in the hands of the right. Demagogy? Coming up: the 7,291 deaths in Madrid retirement homes during Covid. Is it useful to see how they oppose minimum wage increases or social improvements for domestic workers? Would Garamendi and the CEOE not have a clear path to realize their ultraliberal dreams? And with Justice – oh, Justice! – now so clearly leaning to the right, what do you think would happen? Marchena, Llarena, Peinado sound familiar to you? And of course, I’m sure you know, just like El Ojo, that PP and Vox would do everything possible to invest money in dependency plans and, of course, in social housing or in rent reductions , as they already do. ha – in the autonomous governments that dominate. How wonderful they are, their last apostles, even while criticizing the social justice that their popes in Rome so proclaimed. It would also be appropriate to explain to the very pure members of Junts and Esquerra what would be the policy that our right-wing parties would apply towards Catalonia. The PNV, more seasoned, knows the situation better and has for the moment already put his foot on the ground.

You will see. This exordium occurs in the face of what is happening in France with the new government of this relaxed man – as he acted – that is Emmanuel Macron. Here is the new head of the Interior, Bruno Retailleau. A nod to Marine Le Pen, a formation in which he could easily serve, his main objective, as explained during his inauguration, was to “restore order, restore order, restore order”, swore three times, like Lorca’s banderilleros in the circle. . And hearing ejaculation is when the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. What order is this singular character talking about, an atbiliary and ultra-Catholic type that even his cabinet colleagues barely dare to touch, for fear of being infected by his miasma of filthy intolerance?

This happens to the right of the whole world, like the dwarves of Augusto Monterroso, who possess a sort of sixth sense that allows them to recognize each other at first glance. Surely our idiot Núñez Feijóo and his troops would really like to restore order. And what will they tell me about Abascal and his fierce company? Order, what a beautiful word, how well it sounds to your ears. What happens is that for them it means one thing and for progressives, or people on the left, choose the word, it means another. First point: your order is not ours. Second point: restore the previous order, but what were we talking about before? From the year 2000, from 1950, from 1900, from the 17th century? Verbigracy. Are we content to ban homosexual marriage or should we once again punish homosexuality and reestablish Franco’s law on vagabonds and thugs? Should we repeal some feminist laws approved by this government or restore the order that prevailed there when women did not have the right to vote? Where does Minister Retailleau’s decree end and begin, where does this very liberal politician set the limit?

Some of us, for example, like the balance that social justice provides. Yes, the one so reviled by Milei or the queen of vermouth. We love an order, our order, where all men are equal, without distinction of race, age, religion or sex. The same order that would not allow pirate or exploiter businessmen. Nor will I accept the impunity of kings, nobles, bishops or priests. Religious pedophiles, we say? It’s not necessary. Ecclesiastics of all conditions, Catholics, Islamists or Sursuncorda. Not a single privilege for the powerful simply because of being powerful. It is about preserving a logical order according to which the rich pay much more tax than workers and not the other way around. It is right that poor children have the same educational opportunities as children from rich families or that men and women can sleep with whomever they want. A decent order would be to ensure that no one gets cold in winter because they don’t have a house and if they do, they can’t afford the heat. And already, we would like another world order, in which the United Nations could paint something, even if it is only a little, and stop the excesses in Gaza or Lebanon.

And here we come to the reason for our fight to attack the outrageous right, to say and shout no, don’t vote for these guys who will destroy your lives. It will arrive and they will restore this order, their order, because they consider that this is how things have always been, this is the right order, that of those of us who have always commanded, the one that imposes that we are at the top, very high, and you at the bottom, very low. That they would have become bankers and not malnourished children. This, they will say, is what belongs to us by divine right. We will encourage those in the middle to vote for us. Become an entrepreneur, we will tell you. Naive, they will be so happy. And what will they tell me about the world order? Of course, the powerful and the best armed have the right to trample on the humblest. Don’t you see how we are doing what needs to be done to restore order in the Middle East?

For all these reasons, The Eye believes that we are right if leftists around the world conspire so that no one votes for the American Donald Trump, the Italian Georgia Meloni or this Austrian Herbert Kickl who emerged from the darkness of Nazism. And of course, in reality, not to our national right, which was only able to come to power with the voices of Vox, people defending ignoble and contemptible, retrograde, xenophobic and aporophobic causes. Well, let’s sing the praises of the PSOE, Sumar and Podemos, if you wish, let’s even help promote their noble objectives set out in their electoral promises. But they are not going to prevent us from showing, in their most obvious nudity, the type of those who come from the other side, scythe in hand, bad guys with toothache.

We are not going to give up on this, we too, like the infamous minister of the aforementioned Macron, want to restore order. Your order, no, the Order; and come with me to get it. Yours, keep it.

Addendum. There are 9 dead and 50 missing from the canoe sinking in El Hierro. There are almost 60 dead, let’s stop using euphemisms. There next to us, almost before our eyes. Do you know? To hell with the scoundrels of African elites who hoard the wealth they steal from their citizens. And to hell with all these Westerners, so religious, so dominant, or so liberal, always people of order, who ignore this drama that they are experiencing on their coasts, full of five-star hotels to accommodate, among others, Africans who arrive. from these same lands, Senegal, for example, but rich and with their hands full of the money they have accumulated by stealing it from illegal cayucos, a mortal threat to our culture, say of these people in rags that they do not are only trying to get out of poverty and so few in number, look at the serious statistics, which do not endanger anything. They can’t even threaten that, small and poor as rats. And here, the PP and Vox modestly oppose immigration. Populace.

(We do not forget Gaza, no. Nor this country martyred by everything that is Lebanon. Put pressure on and fight against militarist barbarism. There is no other option.)


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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