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“No one should be left in the gutter”

He Castile-La Mancha educational reinforcement planwith which the students in the greatest difficulty are supported, It will be extended until 2028 because “it went very well and it was a success.”

This was announced on Thursday by the President of the Council, Emiliano Garcia-Pageduring the inauguration of the expansion of the Madrigueras nursery school (Albacete), during which he expressed his intention that no student “be left behind”.

“We are talking about 4,500 boys and girls that in many cases we have helped and in others directly The system helped prevent them from being left behind.“That’s the key for me,” added the president of Castilla-La Mancha, reports Europa Press.

A policy with a soul

According to Page, the goal of this reinforcement plan is to ensure “that those who are having the most difficulty are not left behind.” “truly a success“, which for the Chairman of the Board of Directors means doing “a policy with a soul”.

In this sense, Page stressed that this plan, which will affect nearly 170 educational centers, involves the formalization of Nearly 200 contracts for teacherswith a very positive impact on the regional education system.

At the inauguration, Page was accompanied by the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports, Pastor Amador; the Council delegate in Albacete, Pedro Antonio Ruiz Santos; the president of the Provincial Council of Albacete, Santiago Cabaneroand the mayor of Madrugeras, Juan Carlos Talaverain addition to those responsible for the new center.

Safe and comfortable

In his turn to speak, the mayor recalled that this nursery, “as it was previously called, is more than 40 years old. Since its opening on August 13, 1984, it has been 40 uninterrupted kindergarten lessons who offered the little ones a “safe and welcoming” educational environment.

THE more than 200,000 euros invested in the project They were used to expand a 1-2 year old class for nine children and to create a 0-1 year old class with eight nurseries, with activity areas, meal preparation and rest areas. A disabled toilet was created, the toilets, the changing room, the outdoor patio, the sandbox and the pergola were renovated.

The Minister of Education stressed the importance of the government of Castilla-La Mancha schooling at levels 0-3 years. “Schooling in these stages from 0 to 3 years has increased by 10% in Castilla-La Mancha. We have gone from a schooling rate in this first cycle of preschool education of 52% to 62%.”

3,700 places

The objective of the Government of Castile-La Mancha is to achieve create 3,700 places for children aged 0 to 3but with a particular impact on municipalities affected by depopulation or at risk of becoming so.

Today, the Ministry of Education has 119 agreements signedThat is to say, 119 municipalities of Castilla-La Mancha wanted to join this initiative, convinced that by creating public services, “in this case municipal services with the financing that we have provided”, they have chosen “to give continuity to an educational system that is a vital step.”

An initiative which, according to the branch advisor, facilitates the reconciliation of fathers and mothers in these environments and especially rural areas, which “have few structures for conciliation systems.” However, Pastor did not want to forget the female employment that is being created in the cities.

“This year they prepared for this year four million euros with the projection of increasing the number of municipalities that will join this system of free places.”




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