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“Now he bought Illa from ERC”

The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, reprimanded the president of the government, Pedro Sánchez, for the reform of the financing system for Catalonia agreed between the CPS and the ERC. “He used and lied to Catalonia. I don’t” he assured

In an interview with ‘La Vanguardia’, Feijóo claimed to have “always said the same thing in Catalonia as everywhere in Spain”, unlike Sánchez, who he also criticized having lied to the community in other areas such as the arrest of the former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont or the pardon of the leaders of the process.

“I have never lied. I tell the Catalans: without you, our country cannot function. And if Spain is doing badly, Catalonia is doing badly too,” said the popular leader, who claims to be perfectly aware that community services They have poor financing, in his words.

Likewise, he stressed that if the Socialists had obtained a better result in the Catalan elections we wouldn’t talk about financing. “Let’s make no mistake. If the CPS had obtained a sufficient majority, you and I would not be talking about it.”

He thus criticized the CPS for using the “independence program” govern the Generalitat and, in turn, maintain its extension in the Government instead of presenting the proposal in his electoral program before the elections, a strategy that he considers immoral.

Regarding the political situation in Catalonia since President Salvador Illa leads the Generalitat, he said that what he sees “is that the independence movement is better with Sánchez, but not Catalonia” and stressed that ““Illa is a more competent than reliable politician.”

“Why? Because he presented himself with a language policy program absolutely different from what he is doing; because he presented himself with a financing system different from the one he bought from the separatists” , argued Feijóo.

Concerning the amnesty law, he argued that contradictions with European lawa fact that, according to him, “no Spanish court can prevent it, not even the Constitutional Court”, which he accuses of not accepting the challenge presented by the PP against three magistrates while the challenge of a magistrate proposed by the PP is under study.

“This is unprecedented. I understand that the prosecutor’s office is no longer the state attorney general’s office, but the government’s attorney’s office. And the state’s attorney is now the state’s attorney Sánchez’s family,” Feijóo said.

Migration management

Asked about the management of migration and if he is in favor of the application in Spain of the model of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, he denounced that at present, “if the mafias which traffic human beings must choose the nation where they can most easily operate, they choose Spain.”

Concerning the model deployed by the Executive, he criticized that “The Spanish system moves from the appeal effect to the discourse on mass expulsions” and that it is regrettable, in his words, the lack of immigration policy and the treatment of the central government towards the Canarian government.




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