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number of places, requirements, exams and dates

The Official State Gazette includes the call for oppositions, in a free round, of the University of Extremadura which aims to cover 25 positions in the category of Research Technician Assistant.

What requirements do you need to meet to become a research technician assistant?

Candidates must meet general requirements such as possessing the Spanish nationality; I was 16 years old and not exceed retirement age; or have the functional capacity to perform tasks.

They will also have to meet some more specific ones such as have the title of Bachelor, Specialized Technician or equivalent qualifications. In addition to not having been separated by disciplinary proceedings from any type of administration.

How do I submit my application? How long can I do it?

Candidates who wish to participate in these competitions, can apply in any office of the ORVE Network (Virtual Registry through the SARA network) or of the Electronic Registry of the SARA network itself; inside General Registry of the University of Extremadura; and at the Cáceres campus office.

The price of the examination fee will be 25 euros.

The deadline for submitting applications began on September 10 and ends October 7, 2024.

What will the exams to become a Research Technician Assistant look like?

The selection process will include an opposition phase and a competition phase.


It will consist of two exercises. In the first of them, candidates must answer a 100 multiple choice questions quiz on the entire content of the program. It will be graded from 0 to 30 points. Correct questions will add one point; while unanswered questions will not count; and negative questions will subtract 0.10 points. A minimum of 15 points must be obtained to pass the exam.

In the second exercise, they will have to solve two practical cases of 20 questions each. The grading system will be the same, but in this case, the wrong questions 0.15 points will be subtracted.


In the competition phase, it will be valued from 0 to 40 points and the professional experience (34 points maximum) and accreditation of university degree higher than that required (maximum 4 points).




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