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HomeEntertainment NewsNursery prices by department

Nursery prices by department

In mainland France, it is in Corsica that the cost of a babysitter is highest. Average hourly wage per child cared for: 4.86 euros, according to the annual barometer published on August 29 by the Yoopies childcare platform. Then come the southern departments such as Ariège, Var, Bouches-du-Rhône, Vaucluse, all between 4.60 euros and 4.80 euros. Then, from the Paris region, in particular Seine-et-Marne, at 4.59 euros. Conversely, the cheapest departments for parents are Drôme (3.15 euros) and Ardennes (3.41 euros).

While estimating the cost of caring for one or more children and comparing childcare methods is often challenging, as the logics are different and the elements to take into account are numerous, these figures can serve as reference points for parents who are just starting out. “They are based on Urssaf regional data for the first quarter of 2024, which we recalculated by department based on our own data for the first seven months of the year.”specifies Marie Cavillon, CEO of Yoopies.

This barometer is marked by a sharp increase in the average net hourly wage of childminders, up 4.21% in one year to €3.96. The increase is slightly lower for live-in nannies (who look after children in their parents’ home), +3.75%, or €10.50. Note that this figure is per employee, regardless of the number of children in their care. For local guards, the salary differences between departments are smaller, ranging from €10.07 in the Somme to €11.01 in Haute-Savoie.

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The increases are partly explained by several increases in minimum wages for home-based workers, which aim in particular to improve the attractiveness of the sector and respond to inflation. Minimum wage for nanny from 1Ahem May 2024: €2.74 net, increased by 4% in the presence of a professional qualification. For home care without a professional qualification (level 3 of the collective agreement), the minimum wage is €9.56 net and €12.26 gross.

Different tax credits

In practice, to get an idea of ​​the overall cost of one or another of these types of care, other elements of remuneration must be added. For the care of a nanny, in general no social security contributions will have to be added to the salary, but compulsory maintenance allowances (3.74 euros per child for a nine-hour day) and often food costs will have to be paid, as well as paid holidays.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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