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One of the co-accused admits never having “had the consent” of Gisèle Pelicot

Before the Vaucluse criminal court, Lionel R., 44, one of the many men recruited over ten years on the Internet by Dominique Pelicot to rape his drugged wife, immediately confirmed on Thursday 19 September that he admitted to the facts of rape committed on 2 December 2018 against Gisèle Pelicot.

“I never had the intention [de commettre un viol]But having never had Madame Pelicot’s consent, I can only point out the facts.”said this short-haired man, dressed in a black shirt and trousers, in a clear voice. This supermarket salesman, one of the fifty-one co-defendants tried in Avignon, pleaded guilty to rape.

During his hearing, which lasted all morning, the father of three children, who was married at the time of the events, turned to Gisèle Pelicot to apologize: “I take this opportunity, it is normal that you do not listen to them and I know it is too late. I never wanted to hurt you and I did. I apologize. »

“It’s horrible to be told that I’m part of this nightmare. This apology won’t change anything, but I wanted to tell you anyway.”continuous.

Present in the dock with her daughter Caroline, Gisèle Pelicot, 71, listened to him impassively.

Read also the interview | Article reserved for our subscribers. “The Mazán rape trial is the trial of rape culture”

A public trial so that “shame changes sides”

The day before, the one who became an icon after her decision to accept a public trial so that “shame changes sides” In the matter of sexual violence, she had expressed her anger for the first time at the insinuations of some defense lawyers about her alleged consent.

“There is no such thing as rape and rape. Rape is rape.”had hit Mme Pelicot, saying to himself “humiliated” by lawyers for some of her co-defendants, who maintain that their clients did not know that she did not consent and thought they were playing a game of a libertine couple.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. At Pelicot trial, accused accuser: “I understand that rape victims do not file complaints”

Earlier in the afternoon, another man recruited by Dominique Pelicot, Jacques C., 72, denied the rape allegations and admitted only to groping.

The former firefighter and now retired pizzeria owner asked ” pardon “ to Gisèle Pelicot. “There is a lot of respect in me for women, (…) Then the big regrets I have”adds. excuses that “They seem to lack depth” and who are they “difficult to hear”responded one of the lawyers for the civil parties, Stéphane Babonneau.

“He regrets it, but it may be a little late”

The testimony of Lionel R., who risks being sentenced to 20 years in prison like all the accused, for lack of consent, refuted the theory put forward by some defense lawyers.

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“It’s all about medication. Once she takes it, once he takes it, [son mari] “She gives it to them. I’m not entirely sure, but I’m convinced it’s a game, I don’t question it too much. I never thought she wouldn’t be in the game, that was my first big mistake.”he explained.

Upon arriving at the couple’s house, they take him to their room where Mme Pelicot is lying down, unconscious, and performs penetration.

“I do what he tells me, he becomes very directive. I don’t look for excuses. I really lost him. At one point she moves around a lot and he tells me to get out and I realize there is a problem.”

“He regrets it, but it may be a little late”commented Dominique Pelicot, invited to speak after Lionel R., who denied having had any directive behaviour during this meeting and reiterated that he was not forcing anyone to come.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. Camille Froidevaux-Metterie on the Mazan rapes: “Yes, all men are guilty, guilty of remaining ordinary and indifferent people”

Singer Renaud supports Gisèle Pelicot

If male public speeches in support of the fight against violence against women, embodied since the beginning of the trial of Gisèle Pelicot, are relatively rare, the singer Renaud published a story on his Instagram account on Thursday to ” bring [son] full support as well as [son] admiration for Gisèle Pelicot whose life [le] upset “.

“I sincerely hope that the courage of having asked for public hearings will finally move this patriarchal society, and us, the boys, regarding violence against women and children.”the singer continued.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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