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HomeLatest NewsOne squandered money in brothels and the other hitchhiked

One squandered money in brothels and the other hitchhiked

This week, two socialists will parade before the Andalusian courts. One, Fernando Villen (former general manager of the Faffé), squandered the Andalusians’ money in brothels; while the other made a finger charge for the simple fact of being friends with the first. All in the purest style of Andalusian socialism. A PSOE of Andalusia (PSOE-A) which has for months outraged all those who question the honorability of a party which, visibly, has more tests what an honor

THE Third Section of the Court of Seville plans to open the trial against the former technical director general of the Andalusian Foundation Training and Employment Fund (Faffe) Fernando Villen and the former socialist mayor of Lebrija Antonio Torres Garcíafor alleged crimes of procrastination And embezzlement derived from the “unfair and arbitrary” hiring of the aforementioned former mayor in the Faffécontrary to the principles of equality, merit and capacity and for the sole “affinity and personal and political bond” between the two.

He former socialist mayor of Lebrija (Seville), Antonio Torres Garcíacollected almost half a million euros from the Andalusian Foundation Training and Employment Fund (Faffe) without even going to work and he bought a huge 156 square meter apartment in the center of Seville, just one year after starting to work – so to speak – at Faffe!

Exactly one year ago, the Court of Seville sentenced Fernando Villen to six years in prison for the continuing crime of embezzlement in conjunction with the continuing crime of falsifying an official document as an incentive, for payments in brothels with bank cards of the aforementioned public entity, belonging to the Junta of Andalusia.

In relation to this other case which will be judged this week, the judge strengthening of Court of Instruction number six of Seville, José Ignacio Vilaplana, stated in its order transforming the procedure into an abbreviated procedure that “from the procedures conducted, it is clear that there are serious rational indications of criminality which allow the persons charged to be attributed Fernando Villen Rueda And Antonio Torres Garcia participation in the commission of crimes of prevarication and embezzlement.

He came to office after losing the mayoral post

More specifically, the judge indicated that after Antoine Torres lost the Lebrija Mayor’s Office During the 2003 municipal elections, after 24 years in power, he is said to have asked the technical director general at the time to Andalusian Foundation Training and Employment Fund its “placement in the Fafféto which City accepted, promoting in his favor a new management position, which in reality did not exist, which would satisfy the conditions of permanent employment and salary requested by the already former socialist mayor of Lebrija.

All this, despite the fact that Torres Garcia “He lacked the training and skills to assume functions corresponding to the said professional level” of manager.

Thus, and according to the investigating judge, the former mayor of Lebrija “He was hired on July 1, 2003, with a temporary contract, extended and made permanent with effect from December 1, 2004, as a manager, with a total remuneration of 46,750 euros per year, and was registered as an employee at Faffe until its extinction and integration in May 2011 into the Andalusian Employment Service (SAE).

Unfair hiring

THE hiringaccording to the investigating judge, occurred “without any process of evaluation or contrast of the aptitude or suitability of the subject to be hired”, that is to say “in an unfair and arbitrary manner, in disregard of the hiring procedures to which the Faffé had to be adjusted, without any competition from other possible candidates for the position, and in a manner contrary to the general principles of publicity, objectivity, impartiality, equality of opportunity, merit and capacity that would govern said selection and hiring process, in accordance with the own regulations.

“There is no documentation that reveals a minimum respect for the requirements and budgets that govern the selection and hiring of personnel, whether technical or management, by a public foundation such as the Faffé“, determines the investigating judge.

In addition, as the judge specifies in the order, the administrative organization chart of the Faffé “did not envisage any management position that the former mayor under investigation could access”, which is why the other defendant “came to create one”. ad hoc that he called Department of External Relations“, a department that “was in reality non-existent, so it lacked structure, functions and effective content; no physical headquarters, no offices, no desks, no assigned staff.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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