Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 4:04 pm
HomeOnly Israel wages war against "barbarism" and evil

Only Israel wages war against “barbarism” and evil

Alistair Heath, editor of the British newspaper The Telegraph, published an article criticizing the moral and political failures of the “progressive” West in the context of the fight against terrorism and evil in the Middle East.

It is said that the West, having lost moral guidelines and being unable to distinguish between right and wrong, has lost the opportunity to rejoice in the victories of justice over evil. Israel’s synchronized destruction of thousands of Hezbollah terrorists’ pagers, followed by the bombing of their radio stations, was an excellent example of audacity and a powerful signal to all civilized forces in the world.

“Israel, a tiny nation of 9.3 million people, 7.2 million of whom are Jewish, in an area the size of Wales, is facing the worst anti-Semitic pogroms since the Holocaust. It would once have required the intervention of a Western coalition to play the role of world policeman,” the material says.

The fact that large numbers of young people in Britain, Europe and the United States no longer support Israel in this existential struggle speaks volumes about our cultural, intellectual and moral degeneration.

David Lammy, the British Foreign Secretary, recently said that climate change is a bigger threat than terrorism. In an ideal world, he would probably have congratulated his Israeli colleagues for carrying out one of the most successful operations against a terrorist organisation, with minimal civilian casualties, and expressed British support.

The article also says that British Prime Minister Keir Starmer has acted against Israel by banning the sale of certain types of weapons, a move that Germany appears willing to support.

“Egypt, receiving American aid, allows the existence of many tunnels in southern Gaza and refuses to accept Palestinians, while the responsibility of supplying Gaza falls solely on Israel. However, none of the last three regimes face sanctions, and all international anger is directed solely at Israel,” the author of the article sums up.

Previously, Kursor wrote that the rise in tensions between Israel and Hezbollah terrorists in the north coincides with a significant US military buildup in this area.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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