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Only three candidates remain in the race for leadership

Three candidates remain in the running for the leadership of Sciences Po. Two are already members of the community: Arancha González Laya, dean of the Sciences Po school of international affairs, and Rostane Mehdi, director of the Institute of Political Studies (IEP) at Sciences Po. Aix-en-Provence (Bouches-du-Rhône). The third, Luis Vassy, ​​a former student of the establishment, is a diplomat and chief of staff to the resigned foreign minister, Stéphane Séjourné.

Over two days, on September 5 and 6, a recruitment committee composed of twelve members, four of them from outside the school, interviewed seven candidates for one hour and fifteen minutes each.

Luis Vassy, ​​44, advocated a review of the project of the establishment capable of feeding a “internal appeasement” already “straighten your image in the media and public opinion, as well as among academic, institutional and financial partners”For this graduate of the ENA (Senghor class, the same as Emmanuel Macron), ENS Cachan and Sciences Po, the “ruptures of the present” – international conflicts, the environment, digital technology and the European question – should guide the teaching and research of this field. “university of contemporaneity”.

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At the master’s level, the former French ambassador to the Netherlands proposes the creation of“a school of governance and climate policies” and the development of links with “European Studies”. Associations must become more open to “Democratic Global South” embodied in particular by India, Latin America and Southeast Asia. Objective: to break with the image of “French Harvard” AND bring “another view and other practices than those of the West”In the undergraduate level, it recommends strengthening the common core and introducing a more solid methodological culture to face the challenges posed by artificial intelligence.

Identifying “exceptional profiles”

The candidate mentions a possible “adaptation of procedures” Recruitment at Parcoursup, some “Exceptional profiles, either academically or for their qualities of commitment, perseverance, intellectual curiosity, courage” He is not currently being seen according to him.

On the financial side, he recommends the creation of an endowment fund and wishes to continue training the “senior management of private companies”, TO “considerable market”.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. Sciences Po: at least seven candidates are running for the leadership

Arancha González Laya, 55, takes note of the “repeated internal crises for ten years”, AND proposes that the institution adopt a “new beginning”. The former Spanish foreign minister wants to imagine “New forms of hybridization of social sciences and original scientific programs” such as computational social sciences, war ecology.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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