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Open monuments, activities program and free buses

Toledo and the 14 other Spanish cities that make up the Group of World Heritage Cities They will celebrate their 30th anniversary this Saturday, September 14th with a new edition of “La Nuit du patrimoine”, during which they will open their main monuments at night. The “Nuit du Patrimoine”, a unique event in Europe, will open monuments and historic spaces during extraordinary hours with a multitude of guided tours, open-air shows and a unique and free cultural offer for all audiences. Here is the full program.

In Toledo, “Heritage Night” is divided into three large blocks: “Heritage Scene”, “Open Heritage” and “Living Heritage”. Among the novelties of this seventh edition, which has generated great anticipation among the Toledoans and visitors, are the guided tours commented by the official tourist guides of Toledo, during extraordinary night hours, to the monuments of the city, some of them never open to the public such as They are the access to the convent choir of Santo Domingo el Real; to the chapel of Saint Catherine; to the Imperial Court of Charles V of the Army Museum or to the old archive room of the Tavera Hospital, where different works of El Greco are exhibited, or to the recently inaugurated Rico Room. In addition, 130 places have been made available to the inhabitants of Toledo to enjoy the sound and light show “Lumina” in the Primada Cathedral.

Music and performing arts will also be the protagonists of “Heritage Night” with a wide variety of performances in unique and unrepeatable spaces, combining monumental heritage and musical heritage. Among them, the Toledo group Veintiuno in San Juan de los Reyes, or the Toledo group Julian Maeso, accompanied by Martha High on the Town Hall Square and the concert of Pancho Varona, the final touch at Zocodover to close this special program.

To ensure the smooth running of the Heritage Night, the Toledo City Council and the Local Police have prepared a special Mobility plan, which includes the Free city buses between 7:00 p.m. and reported by the city council.

In addition, there will be security reinforcement In places where the greatest number of people are concentrated, and if circumstances require it, the local police will cut off access to the historic centre depending on the influx.

A citizen service point and a Civil Protection health post will also be set up near Zocodover.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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