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HomeLatest NewsOpening hours and visit of the Privilege of the Union

Opening hours and visit of the Privilege of the Union

He 601st Anniversary of the Union Privilege will mark the social and cultural life of Pamplona this weekend, with Sunday as the key day. The streets of the city centre will be decorated to commemorate that September 8, 1423, when the King Charles III the Noble promulgated the Privilege of the Unionending the confrontation of villages of San Cernin, Navarrería and San Nicolásand create the germ of today’s Pamplona. Without a doubt, one of the most anticipated moments of the celebration will be the departure from the Comparsa de Giganteswho will dance in the street for the first time since the last San Fermín festivities.

That is why a series of events will take place on Sunday afternoon to commemorate this moment. The municipal corporation, within the municipal bodyaccompanied by dantzaris and the Comparison of giants and big headswill make a floral offering in front of the mausoleum of Carlos III the Noble. The parade in the City Hall will start at 5:45 p.m., from the Consistorial Square, towards the Cathedral, where the floral offering and the response will take place in front of the mausoleum at 6:45 p.m.

Previously, from 5 p.m., the Comparison of giants and big heads It will travel through the streets of Pamplona, ​​from the bus station to the town hall. The tour will take you through Plaza de la Paz, Yanguas y Miranda, García Ximénez, Tudela Street, Plaza del Vínculo, Paseo de Sarasate, Comedias Street and Zapatería Street until reaching the Plaza Consistorial. After accompanying the Municipal corporation in the city body at the cathedralAround 7 p.m. they will return to the Consistorial Square, where the dance group Duguna Danzaris de Pamplona will dance in honor of the city.

THE Comparison of giants and big heads You will continue your tour of the old town passing through Zapatería, Comedias streets, Paseo de Sarasate, Plaza del Vínculo, Calle Tudela, Conde Oliveto and Plaza de la Paz, to return to the bus station.

Apart from Sunday’s events, the celebrations They begin this Friday afternoon, with the medieval market in the streets of the center and the now traditional concert of La Pamplonesa, which will take place at 8 p.m., in the Plaza del Castillo.

Also on Saturday there will be music, by the Navarre Symphony Orchestrawhich will also perform at 8:00 p.m. in the Plaza del Castillo, under the direction of its owner, Perry So, the Citizens will be able to enjoy a repertoire that ranges from the Emperor Waltz by Johann Strauss Jr to the Dance of the Period, by Fernando Remacha; passing through the Overture to William Tell, by Giochino Rossini.

THE Sunday musical proposalwho will put the finishing touches to the Privilege events, will join forces with the Pamplona group El Columpio Asesino, who will offer a free concert in the Plaza del Castillo at 8 p.m.

He group, with more than two decades of career behind itannounced that he was leaving the music scene, after having become known nationally and internationally with songs like “Toro”, with their own style, between rock and punk, with an electronic touch.


THE Comparsa of the giants and the big heads of Pamplona The departure will take place on Sunday, September 8, 2024 at 5 p.m. from the bus station. Below we detail the entire route so that you do not lose sight of them at any time:

  • Departure: at 5:00 p.m. from Pamplona bus station.
    • The tour: Plaza de la Paz, Yanguas and Miranda, García Ximénez, Tudela, Plaza del Vínculo, Paseo Sarasate, Comedias, Pozo Blanco, Zapatería and Plaza Consistorial.
  • Parade in the Town Hall: The Corporation parades in the Town Hall, accompanied by the Comparsa of the Giants and the Big Heads, the dancers of the Folklore Duguna Taldea, the Municipal Bagpipes and Txistularis and the municipal music group La Pamplonesa. It leaves at 5:45 p.m.
    • The tour: starts from the City Hall, Mercaderes Street and Curia Street, to the Cathedral. There, the response and offering to Carlos III will take place around 6:45 p.m.
  • Return of the Comparsa of Giants and Big Heads
    • The tour: Zapatería, Comedias, San Nicolás, San Miguel, Paseo de Sarasate, Plaza del Vínculo, Tudela, Conde Oliveto, Plaza de la Paz and bus station.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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