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Operation carried out from 13 directions: “The terrorist regime was preparing for further provocations”

“The Armenian side made a number of commitments based on the November 10 Declaration, one of which was the expulsion of separatist and terrorist groups located in Karabakh from that territory. However, during the period between the Second Karabakh War and the anti-terrorist measures, Armenia not only expelled the separatists from Karabakh, but, on the contrary, ensured their rearmament.”

This Oku.Azmilitary expert in his statement Azerbaijan Bayramov saying.

According to him, the construction of more than 200 observation chambers on the former contact line, which is more than 480 kilometers long, engineering and fortification works, the construction of combat positions for more than 500 long-term battles, as well as the preparation of firing points for more than 350 artillery installations, in parallel with this, the number of such terrorist-separatist groups, of which we are talking here about such terrorist groups as “Yerkrapa”, “Voma”, “Aramo”, the creation of 11 training centers for them, and again the two-kilometer-wide mine on an area of ​​about 100 kilometers – the creation of the zone indicated that the terrorist regime was preparing for further provocations.

“Furthermore, the separatist regime attempted to create a serious threat to Azerbaijan’s sovereignty as well as the constitutional structure by holding so-called elections. After that, going a bit further, that regime committed a terrorist act against peaceful citizens of Azerbaijan, civilian infrastructure and our police which prompted Azerbaijan to take anti-terrorist measures.

Operation carried out from 13 directions: “The terrorist regime was preparing for further provocations”

Operation carried out from 13 directions: “The terrorist regime was preparing for further provocations”

The anti-terrorist measures carried out by the Azerbaijani army were carried out with great professionalism and heroism. Here, in total, our units from 13 directions – five from the north and eight from the south – began to implement measures and forced the separatist regime to surrender in less than a day. In particular, it should be noted that the Azerbaijani army destroyed almost 1,800 targets of the separatist regime in a very short time, our special forces and commando units infiltrated into the depths of the positions established by it and completely blocked many strategic transport routes. Here it cut off such major transport hubs as Khojaly-Khankendi, Agdara-Khankendi, Khojavand-Khankendi and prevented the supply and delivery to the separatists. This activity was carried out by Jojavend-Khankendi, Aghdara-Asgaran, Sugovushan-Vang, as well as our regions in the direction of Khankendi-Khojaly-Tazakend-Syrkhavand,” the expert said.

Azer Bayramov noted that one of the main reasons for the success of the operation is the joint implementation of these activities:

Operation carried out from 13 directions: “The terrorist regime was preparing for further provocations”

Operation carried out from 13 directions: “The terrorist regime was preparing for further provocations”

“During this activity, the disengagement of terrorist groups that were located on the former line of contact with the leaders of the separatist regime, the destruction of their control center and radio-electronic warfare equipment and the firing of air defense systems by our army with high-precision weapons created a shock effect on the separatist regime and they were forced to surrender.”

Our interviewer added that when we look at the overall picture of anti-terrorist measures, first of all, Azerbaijan has fully restored its sovereignty and constitutional structure:

“In addition, the complete destruction of the ugly policy of Armenia and its sponsors against Azerbaijan – separatism and terrorism – was ensured. After the war, according to the “Great Return” program, our citizens were resettled to the territories liberated from occupation. The separatist regime was a constant threat until September 19-20, and we must note that such threats have completely disappeared. After that, our citizens who returned to the territories liberated from occupation will establish their vital activities there in full safety and prosperity. We hope that their implementation will be carried out in a safe and faster manner. As always, the priority issue facing the Azerbaijani state is the security of its citizens. All related activities will continue.”

Merahim Nasib


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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