Monday, September 23, 2024 - 2:45 am
HomeOperation "pager" in Lebanon will affect the whole world - Politico

Operation “pager” in Lebanon will affect the whole world – Politico

Experts believe the incident highlights vulnerabilities in international technology supply chains, where products pass through several countries before reaching end users. Such developments could lead governments to tighten controls on the cross-border supply of sensitive technologies and tech companies to move production to safer or friendlier countries.

This was reported by Politico, citing the opinion of experts in the field of security and market analysis.

Experts stress that the alleged Israeli operation in Lebanon could affect supply chain security, forcing companies to reconsider their security measures and increase the transparency of logistics processes. Questions now remain as to how booby-trapped pagers were able to cross international borders into Lebanon and Syria undetected. This fact points to serious problems in the current systems for the production and delivery of technological goods.

Daniel Bardenstein, chief technology officer at software security firm Manifest, says the case highlights the need for public and private buyers to be more careful about what they buy and from whom.

The operation, allegedly carried out by Israel, has already created an atmosphere of mistrust towards electronic products in Lebanon, and its consequences may be much wider than initially expected. In particular, this situation worries the United States about the security of supplies of electronic equipment and software from potentially hostile countries such as China.

Earlier, Kursor, citing analysts, wrote that Israel is changing its approach to fighting terrorists in Lebanon.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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