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Orange production in Cordoba will be almost double that of the previous year and will reach 347,000 tons

The capacity of oranges planned in Cordoba for this season is 347,058 tonneswhile the previous year it was 187,704 and in 2022-2023 this figure was 233,000. Thus, the difference between the current campaign and the one that preceded it is almost doublea fact that is mainly explained by the drought situation that occurred last season.

The Secretary General of Agriculture, Livestock and Food, Mr.anuel gomezchaired the forum on citrus production for the 2024-2025 season on Tuesday and indicated that the production of these crops is expected to exceed 2.26 million tonnes in the region.

Thus, during his speech, the Secretary General stressed that “there will be a resumption of harvest compared to the previous campaign due to increased rainfall in spring and irrigation arrangements, which significantly improved the vegetative state of the plantations.

In this sense, he stressed that “at the Andalusian level, this estimate represents a 19.2 percent increase “With regard to the 2023-2024 campaign and in the national territory, the Andalusian community is expected to harvest 38.8 percent of Spanish production (5.84 million tons).”

By province, the Council’s capacity provides that in Almeria 225,258 tons are collected; in Cadiz, a total of 53,164 tons; in Granada, 4,664 additional tons; in Huelva, a total of 570,149 tons; in Malaga approximately 94,118 tonnes and, in Sevilleor a sum of 969,930 tonnes.

The citrus capacity 2024-2025 also includes data related to the area, which is approximately 90,180 hectares, including the area of ​​sweet orange trees (61,088 hectares), Tangerine (20,461 hectares), lemon (7,044 hectares) and other citrus fruits (1,587 hectares including grapefruit).

The sweet ones

Regarding the different species, sweet oranges represent 69.4 percent of the production (1,570,467 tons) and record an increase of 22.4 percent compared to 2023-2024.

This harvest is followed by tangerineswhich represent 25 percent (564,985 tons) and increase by 22.4 percent compared to the previous campaign; as well as lemons, which decreased by 22.8 percent, reaching 88,022 tons (3.9 percent of total production). In addition to these fruits, the capacity also includes data on grapefruit (29,713 tonnes) and the rest of the minority citrus fruits (4,663 tonnes).

In this sense, and according to the provisional data available to the Andalusian Government, the production of Andalusian oranges will represent 52.8 percent of the national total which, in the case of mandarins, will be 30.9 percent and, in the case of lemons, 9.4 percent.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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