Friday, September 20, 2024 - 8:57 pm
HomeTop StoriesOrganized through social networks, it was the attempt of mass jump in...

Organized through social networks, it was the attempt of mass jump in Castillejos (Morocco)

This SundayTensions reached their peak in Castillejos, in the border with Ceutawhile about 400 people tried to cross twice. The offensive, organized via social networks and prepared in advancegathered migrants desperate to reach Spanish soil, many of whom are willing to risk their lives.

The deployment of Moroccan police, the largest ever seen in the area, prevented attempts to cross. More than 7,000 officers, including the gendarmerie and the army, were deployed on the scene, facing migrants who were setting up barricades and throwing stones. Moroccan forces responded by charging, tear gas and batonstransforming Castillejos into a battlefield that lasted almost 24 hours.

The day’s results: several police officers and migrants injureda pitched battle that left a trail of violence and chaos in the border town. Tragically, a young man lost his life try to cross to Ceuta Other detainees, many of them injured, were held in containers overnight. Among them were several minors who, although frightened, were given protection and comfort by some officers.

The altercations attracted widespread coverage in local media, while Moroccan authorities They continue to exercise strict control at the borderthus preventing the situation from happening again.




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