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HomeBreaking NewsOscar Lopez returns to the ring after six years in the shadows...

Oscar Lopez returns to the ring after six years in the shadows to serve as a battering ram in Sánchez’s offensive

It’s been a while since Oscar Lopez I wanted to be a minister. He had remained silent for six years, and part of them in ostracism, after having been one of the main socialist leaders at the time of Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba and one of the squires of Pedro Sanchez in its early days.

He lost his voice six years ago because he decided to get off his friend Sánchez’s boat and go to his friend’s house. Patxi Lopez during the second primaries that the current president of the government ended up winning.

Then he had to continue to perform his penance in silence, because he was appointed to the discreet post of President of the Paradoresfar from politics, for whom he had been his friend. And, later, because he returned to Sánchez’s right arm as chief of staff of Moncloa.

This position means being in the daily life of the government, with enormous power and control over the executive and the party, attached to the president, but with closed lips and acting in the shadows. What is usually called head of plumbers or, in other Latin American countries, the person responsible for the black monks of the president.

Today, Óscar López has found his voice again, starting a new life as Minister of Digital Transformation and Civil Service and eager to play.

A fervent footballer and Real Madrid supporter like his mentor Rubalcaba, López began his term this week from the moment he took charge of the portfolio, transforming a formal act into his first penalty kick or his first kick in the shins, depending on how you look at it. He made it clear that arrives to touch the ball and he left the foot to speak of the “absurdities” of the PP.

Lopez goes from a technical ministry to become one of Sánchez’s pillars for the coming times when there will be almost no parliamentary initiatives, but there will be a political battle.

It’s what Luis Aragones called “a difficult match“, in which contact is not avoided and for which Lopez fits perfectly into the lineup.

Sánchez himself said on Saturday before the PSOE Federal Committee that he would continue to move forward “with or without the help of the legislative power.” That is, to govern without being able to legislate.

Óscar López receives his ministerial portfolio from Escrivá.

In this effort, the President of the Government has a more powerful voice to reinforce that of other voices such as Oscar Bridge or the first vice president Maria Jesus Montero. Another minister who plays politics with a knife in his mouth at a time when there is almost no possibility of taking initiatives, not even of respecting the constitutional obligation to try to execute the general budgets of the State.

Especially since other spokespeople such as the party, Esther Penahas barely managed to achieve the goals set by Sánchez. In fact, in Moncloa and within the party, it is admitted that the socialist leader is not satisfied with the political defense presented by some members of the Government and the PSOE.

López learned from Rubalcaba, conducted thousands of interviews in his other life, helped prepare debates and public appearances for others, and is obsessed with the media. He himself was candidate for the presidency of Castilla y León and knows what it means to lead, campaign and confront directly.

Furthermore, he knows the PSOE in detail. He modernized it by drafting the primary regulation, streamlining tax collection and even digitalizing The socialistthe PSOE publication that did not even have an up-to-date subscriber list when it arrived at the Secretariat of the Organization.

He also learned from the serious mistake made in promoting a motion of censure in Ponferrada (León) supported by a stalker. He backtracked and took responsibility for the mistake, even though it wasn’t entirely his own. For him, it was an unforgettable lesson.

Now he can touch the ball and especially put his foot when he needs to. Get into the ring wanting to fight.

He also does so at a time when Sánchez is preparing the party for possible electoral battles, not yet called, but which can be anticipated or, at least, foreseen.

General elections in 2025?

In the government and the PSOE, many assure that Sánchez intends, with the federal congress at the end of November, to put the party in perfect condition for possible elections. general elections in 2025if necessary. Nowadays, many socialists are speculating about the option of generals next year.

It is assumed that they will have to extend the budgets at the end of this year and that the legislature will continue in uncertainty because Junts no longer wants to know anything about Sánchez and because the ERC has its own internal war that will make it difficult for him to remain as a support for the President of the Government. Even more so if he fails to implement the agreement for Catalonia that he reached with the PSC to invest Salvador Illa.

In this scenario of politics without laws or budgets, but with many battles, Sánchez increases his firepower with what is already called the oscars.

Pedro Sánchez, Antonio Hernando and Óscar López surround José Blanco in the courtyard of Congress, in an archive image.


Sánchez, usually receptive to personal commitments, relented and appointed him minister to bring him back to the political forefront.

He is always in the rearguard Antonio Hernandonumber two in his Cabinet in Moncloa, a politician who fought in the battle, who formed with Sánchez and López the trio known as Pepe Blanco’s Boyswho abandoned him to go away with Susana Diaz in these primaries and it continues to suffer from silence. At least, for the moment.




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