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HomeBreaking NewsOtegi visited Anboto in Zaballa prison four days before the ruse to...

Otegi visited Anboto in Zaballa prison four days before the ruse to free ETA members was revealed.

Prison sources confirm to EL ESPAÑOL that Otegi met with the gang’s former leader earlier this month.

Anboto She is one of the terrorists who could benefit from reform of current regulations. She was sentenced to more than 400 years in prison for the attack on the Alavés stadium, Mendizorrosisin 1985. He is also responsible for the murders of the agents Rafael Leiva And Domingo Duran in the attack against the DNI offices in Bilbao in 1995 or against the police Txema Aguirre, in 1997.

In France He served sentences equivalent to 15 years in prison. When the Government’s bill is finally approved next week and published in the Official Journal, these years will be deducted from your sentence.

According to the sources consulted, the visit to Anboto At this point in time, it’s not a coincidence. In prisons, members of ETA They continue to maintain a hierarchy like the one they had during the years when ETA murdered, that is, until 2010.

In total, the terrorist group left a total of 853 dead2,600 injured, more than 80 kidnapped and thousands of people threatened and exiled.

Exceptional visit

It is not common to see Otegi visiting the prisons of Country Basquewhich since 2021 have been under the control of the regional government. The complete transfer of powers was granted by the government of Rock Sanchez. Meanwhile, the Basque Executive has granted terrorists all kinds of benefits and advantages, while the third degrees, the semi-freedom regime, are accelerated.

In place of the left leader abertzaleother intermediaries normally go to prisons. In this case, Otegi decided to probably inform the former leader of the orders on the reform which will validate the sentences of prisoners and will personally communicate “some details on this question”, indicate prison sources.

Precisely, the week Otegi visited Anbotothe National Court filed its case for the murder of Miguel Ángel Blancocommitted in 1997, considering that the facts have prescribed.

Txapote’s reaction

In addition to Anbotoat the Zaballa prison in Alava is also serving his sentence Xabier Garcia Gaztelupseudonym Txapotethe murderer who pulled the trigger on Miguel Angel Blanco.

With the controversial legal text which benefits prisoners, Txapote I would factor in six years and nine months and he would be out in just six months. To your partner, Irantzu Gallastegi Sodupebetter known as Amaïawho also participated in the assassination of Ermua’s advisor, would be given another six years and three months, so he would be released in 2026.

In total, up to 44 ETA prisoners will have their sentences reduced by a total of 220 years, according to the complaint. Association of Victims of Terrorism (AVT). And of those 44, nine could be released immediately.

As this newspaper learned, Txapote He received the news without surprise. For the bloodthirsty ETA member, who showed no remorse for his crimes, it was not “an unexpected surprise”. It was a movement that he and other terrorists locked up in Basque prisons were aware of.

“They had predicted it as very likely. This gives the impression that they were already more than aware of it,” say the sources consulted.

Contacts with ETA members

A senator from Bildu and an ETA prisoner also visited the ETA member this Wednesday Asier Badiolaone of the last terrorists arrested by the Ertzaintza. Badiola was sentenced to 299 years in prison for attempting to blow up the Autonomous Corps police station in Ondarroa (Vizcaya) in September 2008 with a car bomb containing 100 kilos of explosives.

This is how he detailed it The world. The dialogue is therefore constant. According to EL ESPAÑOL, Jurdan Martitegianother historic leader of the band, has received constant visits throughout this year, both public and private, from prison leaders and the regional government’s Ministry of Justice. He is not the only one.

Last Christmas, a member of the Basque Parliament visited the former historic leader of ETA in Alava prison Juan Antonio Olarra Guridipseudonym Jokin. The meeting took place three days later the demonstration in favor of the release of prisoners of the terrorist gang in Bilbao.




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