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Our podcast options: United States, ecology and poetry


In October we remember Jonathan Safran Foer’s post-9/11 book that director Cédric Aussir was able to convey so well, and then we catch up on American D-30 politics before the presidential elections. Then it will be time to fill yourself with poetry with Clara Ysé before reflecting on the world of tomorrow and its problems with ecofiction for teenagers.

A moving story

It is the story of a boy who is going to bury his father, except that the coffin is empty and with good reason: he was in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 and was one of the almost 3,000 people who were victims of the most recent jihadist attacks. deadly. in American history. It is the story of a naughty and wonderful boy, “Collector of semi-precious stones, butterflies that died naturally, miniature cacti and Beatles memorabilia”but a child mired in anxiety and guilt for not daring to pick up the phone when his father called from the burning twin towers.

A tremendously moving story written by one of the most brilliant American authors of his generation, Jonathan Safran Foer, and published in 2005 before being translated into French the following year under the title Extremely loud and incredibly close. (ed. by L’Olivier) adapted to film a few years later. And it is this adaptation (although largely unsuccessful according to many critics) that for a long time (and for rights reasons) prevented Cédric Aussir from taking it on. But today it doesn’t matter because he found the right tone to give it back to us, thanks in particular to a particularly relevant use of music (thanks Leonard Cohen, Asaf Avidan and Yom) and an exceptional cast. Just as Jonathan Safran Foer managed to write the untold, Cédric Aussir managed to make the inaudible heard. Better yet, offer a sensitive experience of overwhelming beauty.

“Extremely strong and incredibly close”, a podcast produced by Cédric Aussir based on the novel by Jonathan Safran Foer, adapted by Cécile Laffon and which can be found on the France Culture website and on all the usual listening platforms (fr. , 2024, 5 episodes). 28 minutes).

Kamala Harris against Donald Trump

There are several podcasts that provide a better understanding of the US elections. Let’s highlight the very pop and rhythmic “Fifty States”, which surprises with anecdotes and historical memories; “Washington d’ici”, a podcast of the French-speaking public media based in Washington or even “United States: anatomy of a democracy” by Thomas Snégaroff which offers, in the form of a conversation with the historian Romain Huret, a retrospective look at six episodes -keys to the history of the United States, from 1776 to the attack on the Capitol in 2021, passing through the fascist temptation and farewell to isolationism in episode 3. Let us add that, as is usually done now, the podcast is also available as a book . Published by Editions des Arènes, it enriches the podcast with a series of welcome maps and infographics. Notice to students!

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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