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HomeBreaking News'Owner of the Universe' Cult Leader Accused of Sex Trafficking Women and...

‘Owner of the Universe’ Cult Leader Accused of Sex Trafficking Women and Girls Arrested in Philippines

Apollo Carreon Quiboloy, the “God’s designated son”the “Master of the Universe”, founder and leader of the Church of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ at age 74. This charismatic evangelist of the end of the world, lover of white satin robes, wanted by the federal authorities of the United States, was part of the group FBI Most Wanted List for his participation in one of the greatest conspiracies of child sex traffickingAfter a dramatic chase involving thousands of security forces, he was finally arrested in the southern Philippines.

Among the crimes he is accused of are: human trafficking, child sexual abuse and rapealso against minors. Accusations that his lawyers have categorically denied, in addition to assuring that it was he himself who surrendered to the authorities.

Quiboloy, known to critics as “Rasputin”claims to have followers in about 200 countries, broadcasting his sermons in places like Ukraine, Hong Kong, Brazil and New York; and even, thanks to his great ability to attract large numbers of voters to his favorite politicians, in high political circles, to become the spiritual adviser of Rodrigo DutertePresident of the Philippines from 2016 to 2022.

One of the main elements that contributed to his arrest was his “mega-church”According to police findings, the financing of the property came mainly from profits obtained from the exploitation of labour and the deception of people in precarious situations and unable to cope with their economic problems.

The “Owner of the Universe” allegedly forced his followers to ask for donations for a fake NGO whose purpose was to fund his “mega-church” and, according to the FBI, “the luxurious lifestyle of its leaders.” Among the perks of the leaders were: sexual favors that the “personal assistants” (girls as young as 12) were to perform in a ritual called “night watchman”.

In the “commitment letters” that the miners had to sign to begin working in the sect, they agreed to give their lives and bodies to Quiboloy, with the penalty being “eternal damnation” if they did not comply.

Macro operation

His criminal practices came to fruition in 2021, when a US court presented a formal indictment against Quiboloy and two of his top directors for a sex trafficking operation with which they forced several women and girls have sex with him “under threat of eternal damnation”. Following this complaint, according to the FBI, charges were filed against him for sex trafficking by force, fraud and coercion, child sex trafficking and trafficking of large sums of money. Thanks to this, it was possible to issue a federal arrest warrant for his arrest.

A macro-operation that had been in preparation for more than two weeks. Days and days during which thousands of agents, from the ground, protected by riot shields, and from the air with helicopters, monitored the surroundings of their “temple” in the city of Davao, in the south of the Philippines.

The faithful responded by laying siege to the campus, bolstering their energies with the creeds and chants imposed by their leader. They remain convinced that this entire police network is a political persecution orchestrated by the United States to dethrone their mystical king.

The followers of Apollo Carreon Quiboloy settled near the temple.


But these negationist conspiracies collapse after the confessions of The times by two former pastors. They assured the media that Quiboloy exerted psychological influence on them and that they felt guilty if they tried to reject his sexual advances. Or the statement of one of the “personal assistants”, who was punished and exiled to a property on the outskirts of the city, where her head was shaved, she was forced to wear orange clothes, like a prisoner, and she was beaten. with a wooden shovel.




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