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Page announces that Talavera will be the headquarters of the new Digital Transformation Agency of Castilla-La Mancha

The general secretary of the PSCM-PSOE and regional president, Emiliano García-Page, announced today that Talavera de la Reina will be the main headquarters of the new Digital Transformation Agency of Castilla-La Mancha, an investiture commitment of the regional president, whose statutes will be approved next Tuesday by the Government Council.

“We encourage a quiet revolution from below“Inscribing Talavera in the new economy, both in new energies, in the data industry such as Meta and, above all, in new technologies and digitalization, this regional agency will have its main headquarters here, although it may have other offices, throughout the autonomous community,” he explained.

This was stated by García-Page during his visit to the PSOE stand in Talavera de la Reina, at the San Mateo Fairgrounds, together with the general secretary of the PSOE in Talavera, Tita García Élez.

Similarly, he also announced that next Tuesday the Government Council would approve “nearly 28 million euros for professional training projects in companies“, an investment that will benefit nearly 1,600 people.

Water and AVE to Talavera

The socialist leader mentioned other issues that are also “structural” for Talavera, such as water, “while waiting for the new operating rules of the Tajo-Segura transfer to be established, with the minimum and ecological flows that establish the hydrological system.” Tagus Basin Plan.

A need that the regional president will transmit to the President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez, at his meeting on October 4, stressed, as well as the request that “all procedures for the AVE between Madrid-Talavera-Merida-Lisbon be accelerated.”

“It is of impressive importance for Talavera, it is for the region, it is for Toledo, but it is for the peninsula and for Spain as a whole,” he said, while adding that he was “aware that it is complex, but” There is no excuse, we all want him to leave as soon as possible.

In addition to also addressing the debate on regional financing, García-Page wants to “present the ideology that I believe in, which is social democracy which has been very successful in Talavera, that Castilla-La Mancha did very well and that Spain did very well.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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