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HomeBreaking NewsPage does not rule out that Sánchez wants to move his seat...

Page does not rule out that Sánchez wants to move his seat with Isabel Rodríguez, but let’s remember that he is president

“Maybe”. This is how the president of Castilla-La Mancha responded this Monday, Emiliano Garcia-Page, to the possibility that Ferraz wants move his leadership chair as regional secretary of the PSOE through an alternative candidacy to the socialist primaries that could be led by the Minister of Housing, Ciudad Realeña Isabelle Rodriguez.

In an interview with the Telecinco program “La Regard Crítica”, Page said Rodriguez “is a very good person and a good friend of mine.”but he did not rule out that Pedro Sánchez wants to expel him from the General Secretariat of the PSOE Castilian-La Mancha in the Regional Congress to be held after the Federal Congress November in Seville, at a date yet to be determined, probably between January and February.

Nevertheless, Page claimed to be president of Castilla-La Mancha and remembered the Ferraz’s criterion for defending presidents and not to take away their responsibilities, especially when, as in their case, they have an absolute majority and a solid leadership within the regional PSOE.

“This never happened”

“So far, this has never happened in the PSOE”said the Castilian-La Mancha leader, for what he called “contradictory” the hypothesis that the national leadership of the party is asking for the protection of Pedro Sánchez as president and at the same time trying to remove him. Page asks for the same respect for him as for Sánchez.

In this sense, the Castilian-La Mancha baron said that he did not feel “on any periphery” of the PSOE and that politically he had never been to the extremes. In any case, to the questions of the journalist from Toledo Esther EstebanExecutive Chairman of EL ESPAÑOL-EL DIGITAL CLM, He made it clear that he “doesn’t know” if there would be a “dirty war” from Ferraz to expel him. of power, but insisted that “When you govern, the dynamics of government are not broken”.

“I don’t know if they’ll take that approach,” said Page, who prefers to think there’s no dirty war going on against him. At this point, He made it clear what his political ambitions are regarding the possibility of reaching Ferraz.: “I do not aspire to any organic position or to remain in politics forever and at this point it is easier for me to finish the path than to start it again.”

“It’s unfair and it hurts me.”

The President of the Council acknowledged that “It hurts” and it is “unfair” that Sánchez says that “what would be strange would be for Page to support me”but he is convinced that “the best way to defend the PSOE is to remain in government and pursue a social democratic policy.”

He was asked if he was ready to Order the eight socialist deputies of Castilla-La Mancha to vote in Congress against the Catalan quotaPage insisted that “they are not my MPs”, recalling that national parliamentarians “submit to the rules of their parliamentary group and that, therefore, it would be unfair and inappropriate for him to impose his criteria”.

“I can’t give orders”Page has made a decision on this issue, thus being subjected to pressure from the Popular Party, pressure that, he acknowledged, “bothers me” because “it fools a lot of people into thinking that we can order MPs around.” “He is so self-righteous, he is so clumsy that this attitude bothers me,” he said. Nevertheless, Page hopes that these eight deputies will fight against the Catalan quota “within the parliamentary group”but he clarified that the lists are designed by Ferraz and not by the general secretaries.

PP Barons

Precisely, regarding regional financing and the agreement of Catalonia, the president of Castilla-La Mancha insisted that At no time did he agree on his strategy with the PP barons.despite the accusations against him on this subject, even though he insisted that the singular financing “I don’t see it from a constitutional point of view”.

In this sense, the regional leader said that “politics must have limits” and that “I do not agree that we can do anything to govern”encouraging his party to debate the new regional financing model in the Federal Congress, as was done in the last commission on September 7.

In this regard, García-Page assured that he was “waiting” to maintain the bilateral meeting to which he is summoned with the president of the government, Pedro Sánchezto speak “calmly” and without giving up “being able to convince or condition” the Catalan quota.

Confusing and embarrassing

Page insisted that No one in the PSOE has yet explained the document which includes the pre-agreement between ERC and the Socialist Party of Catalonia and is only known by the “flight” of the independentists, considered good because “no one came to deny it.”

Thus, Page spoke about the context generated in the current policy around the negotiation of the financing of Catalonia, a council that “is not explicable” and which he defines as “a confusing and embarrassing ceremony”.

According to the Castilian-La Mancha leader, There are people in the PSOE who “avoid conversations”, which “reveals what the average voter may think of social democracy”.

Gonzalez and Sanchez

Asked about the “historical” comparison between Felipe González and Pedro SánchezPage said that “for me, González is the most important political leader of the 20th century in Spain and by far of the last 50 years, and with international reach.”

Although he said that in historical terms this comparison “would be premature” for Sánchez, he insisted that Felipe González “is the bar on which we all move”.

“González is above all others,” concluded a Page who, finally, also wished “The best” for Begoña Gómezthe wife of the President of the Government, in the legal cases she has currently opened.




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