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HomeLatest NewsPage votes against PP proposal to reject Catalan quota

Page votes against PP proposal to reject Catalan quota

The president of the Junta de Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Pageand the Socialist Parliamentary Group of the Courts of Castile-La Mancha voted against a PP proposal aimed at urging the regional executive to express its rejection of the Catalan quotaa privileged economic agreement that the separatists of ERC and Junts per Catalunya want to implement in their community.

The initiative to which OKDIARIO had access sets out a series of points which require action from the government of Emiliano García-Page. Thus, the Popular Party demands that, in terms of financing and taxation, the regional government fights “any attempt by the central government to attack the fiscal autonomy of Castilla-La Mancha” in addition to asking Pedro Sánchez to promote a new financing model. in the following terms:

  • This meets the financing needs of public services.
  • That the Spanish Government assumes the expenditure commitments that correspond to it.
  • This guarantees solidarity and equal access for Spaniards to public services.
  • Guarantee that any update or reform of the financing system is addressed together, through democratic channels, to guarantee the equality of all Spaniards in access to their public services, and not through arbitrary meetings, at will of central government and behind closed doors. but in legally constituted forums: in the case of financing, the Tax and Financial Policy Council.
  • Urge the Spanish government to create a transitional fund to alleviate the underfunding suffered by certain regions, including Castilla-La Mancha.
  • Provide in the General Budgets of Castile-La Mancha the necessary resources in current transfers and capital to cover 100% of the costs of the abusive powers provided by town halls for services of regional jurisdiction.

Likewise, the president of the Junta de Castilla-La Mancha and the PSOE voted against the urgent request of the Spanish government to withdraw the organic bill that modifies the Organic Law 7/2014on November 12. A standard approved in Congress and which aims to reduce the sentences of more than 40 ETA terrorists.

Furthermore, the Popular Party initiative rejected by Emiliano García-Page requires the regional government to formally request the resignation of the president of the governmentPedro Sánchez, in the event that the formalization of an immigration center at Ciudad Real airport is completed.

In this sense, they also urge the regional government to demand the following measures from the National Executive:

  • Effectively exercise control at borders and airports.
  • Provide the Autonomous Communities with the necessary information on immigrants and transferred unaccompanied minors, guaranteeing financing for their care.
  • Reach agreements with the countries of origin that put an end to the mafias and the chaos we are experiencing.
  • Promote EU mechanisms to deal with the crisis.
  • Convene the Conference of Presidents to address this issue.

Citizen security

In terms of citizen security, García-Page and the PSOE also voted against promoting necessary legislative reforms and against increasing resources to fight terrorism. illegal occupation. Furthermore, they categorically rejected the following demands of the PP:

  • Reach a comprehensive agreement for the entire region that facilitates and obliges the Ministry of the Interior not to close the Civil Guard barracks in rural areas, ensuring that they have optimal infrastructure.
  • Move forward, in collaboration with the Ministry of the Interior, in updating protocols to improve cooperation between the Civil Guard and local police forces and other security forces and agencies.
  • Request the strengthening and expansion of the forces of the National Police and Civil Guard in Castile-La Mancha, covering all vacant positions of these personnel throughout its territory and providing real data on the positions actually filled. With this same objective, ensure that all the personnel who request it because they are in reserve without destination serve to provide more agents to Castilla-La Mancha.
  • Promote the implementation of “Territoriality Plus” by creating a professional and economic incentive to make access to low-demand positions in rural areas attractive for agents.
  • We urge the Spanish government to immediately recognize all members of the state security forces and bodies as a profession at risk, with all that this declaration implies; particularly in the event of early retirement.
  • Full compliance with the salary increase agreement signed on March 12, 2018 between the Minister of the Interior and the police unions and professional associations of the Civil Guard, for effective salary equalization.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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