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HomeBreaking Newspaid €600,000 to Aldama and sold fuel at a loss

paid €600,000 to Aldama and sold fuel at a loss

The Central Operational Unit of the Civil Guard (UCO) is investigating whether I have time SLthe company that rented a chalet to José Luis Ábalos located in La Línea de la Concepción (Cádiz) in July 2021, laundered money of illicit origin.

I have time SL charged 140 million with the purchase and sale of fuel in the six months following the signing of the contract by the former Minister of Transport. However, he had 165 million euros in expenses.

According to the extensive documentation on this company to which EL ESPAÑOL had access, Have Got Time SL always sold fuel at a loss. The version of the sole administrator, Leonor María González Pano, is that she did it as a “commercial strategy” to attract new customers and “gain market share”.

Leonor María González Pano is the daughter of María del Carmen Pano Sánchez, an old acquaintance of the researchers thanks to her numerous records and arrests for “money laundering, falsification of documents and bank receipts”.

This company dedicated to the purchase and sale of fuel paid 600,000 euros to Víctor de Aldamawhich is double what the Civil Guard had initially declared in one of its reports.

The investigation carried out by this newspaper makes it possible to specify that the first transfer to the commission agent took place on June 16, 2021just when the chalet was purchased and the rental and purchase option contract was concluded with Ábalos, for an amount of 181,500 euros.

THE only real estate investment that Have Got Time SL created in its two years of existence was this house located in the La Alcaidesa urbanization, on the border of Sotogrande. The company paid 526,650 euros for the chalet, an amount very similar to that which ended up appearing in Aldama’s accounts through five transfers between 2021 and 2022, and was subsequently valued at 950,000 euros.

The commission agent received the money on the account of his company MTM 180 Capital. The second payment received by the commission agent was 111,000 euros on July 20, 2021. The three other transfers took place between March and April 2022: one for 129,000 euros, another for 49,610 euros and a last for 129,000 euros.

The Civil Guard is also investigating several payments from María del Carmen Pano Sánchez companiesmother of the owner of the chalet that Ábalos rented to Víctor de Aldama’s companies.

The Pano Sánchez companies which made transfers to the commission agent of the Koldo affair These were Promalter Marker (60,000 euros), Nerium Logística (14,520 euros), Kichwa Investments (60,000 euros). There is also a payment from Ornus Import to Zamora CF, a football team owned by Aldama.

The EL ESPAÑOL investigation was also able to corroborate the existence of two personal transfers from Pano Sánchez, mother of the administrator Have Got Time SL, to the commissioner.

The first of these was to an account that Aldama had opened specifically to receive the payment of 7,000 euros on August 8, 2022. In the second, Pano Sánchez transferred 10,000 euros to MTM 180 Capital SL, one of the main companies of the commission agent, August 8, 2022. September 26, 2022 with the concept of an address located on Valle de A street (without further information).

The yacht and Koldo

The other properties purchased by the company investigated – despite its multiple losses – were three cars, including a Land Rover RR Sport model worth 91,000 euros, two quads and a luxury boat located in the port of Villajoyosa (Alicante).

EL ESPAÑOL was also able to verify that Koldo García made a payment by credit card in a nautical equipment storecalled El Pailabot, which is in the same port where this Astondoa AS 43 GLX model yacht was moored. The port of Villajoyosa is very close to the usual residence of the former councilor of Ábalos.

During the liquidation of the company, a company also from Villajoyosa, PROM 95 SL, handed over to the bankruptcy administration a reserve of 10,000 euros that Have Got Time SL had constituted in a real estate project in the same town of ‘Alicante.

Have Got Time SL achieved a turnover of 140 million euros in 2021, in just six months of activity, and 77 million in 2022. Despite this, it said losses of 24 million euros and 14 million over each of the financial years respectively.

The company’s debt continued to increase, since He never fulfilled his obligations to the Treasury. So in 2021 she started owing 27 million euros and in 2022 they increased to 41.

Finally, in 2023 the amount was 67 million and it ranked 13th on the list of Spain’s main debtors to the Public Treasury.

“I never spoke with Ábalos”

EL ESPAÑOL managed to contact Leonor María González Panosole administrator of Have Got Time SL, after months of searching for a woman about whom there is practically no public data and who had never had another business.

The owner of the chalet told this newspaper that she was not “a straw person” and that “she has always worked in the world of hydrocarbons”. He assured that he had “a collaboration contract” with Víctor de Aldama and that his function was “to attract clients”.

“At no time did I speak with Ábalos,” says the business owner. EL ESPAÑOL can affirm that the rental was managed by Víctor de Aldama, according to investigation sources. The commission agent, accused of paying bribes for the masks, was responsible for closing the contract, which included a five-year purchase option, for the then Minister of Transport.

Photograph of the terrace and swimming pool of the chalet that José Luis Ábalos rented in La Línea de la Concepción (Cádiz).

Leonor María González Pano summoned this newspaper the next day to explore the matter further with her lawyer. His lawyer never contacted him and the administrator of Have Got Time SL rejected any further questions.

Have Got Time SL purchased the villa in Cádiz in mid-June 2021 and Ábalos rented it from July 1, 2021. It was a six-bedroom detached house located in the La Alcaidesa urbanization, in border of the most luxurious properties in Sotogrande.

The land had 750 square meters, of which 300 were built. Additionally, there was a swimming pool and a large garden. The rent paid by Ábalos was 2,500 euros per month.

The former minister transferred the first month’s money and the two monthly installments by contract, but he was fired nine days later and stopped paying, according to his version.

The company which was the landlady of the Minister of Transport entered bankruptcy on April 18, 2023 after two years of excessive payments to Aldama and after selling 217 million euros of fuel at a price below its cost.

On July 17, 2024, the permanent closure of the company after its liquidation and the closure of the bankruptcy procedure by decision of the Commercial Court No. 7 of Madrid.

Have Got Time SL was established on January 7, 2021 by a pre-incorporated company called Entreprises Intra Legem SL. This activity is completely legal in Spain, although it is often used to launder money or by people wishing to hide their identity.

In addition to Companies Intra Legem SL, it appears as a founding shareholder Vanessa Duran Mesas. This woman and this company are closely related to Víctor de Aldamasince the commission agent has used their services on several occasions to buy pre-constituted and dormant companies.

In fact, Have Got Time SL begins to be active from April 22, 2021. On that day, the corporate purpose becomes “refining, marketing, intermediation, storage and distribution of oil and petroleum derivatives”, as well as “l ‘operation of service stations’. “.

Only €66,000 in payroll

It was on this date that Leonor María González Pano purchased all the shares and remained the sole director. The company’s headquarters is now located in Las Rozas (Madrid), 10, Calle Girasol.

However, its tax domicile is in Seville, in a location located at 6, Averroes Street, floor 4, module 1. This office was rented, but it never had any practical use or application, according to the company itself. even.

Have Got Time SL stated in the bankruptcy proceedings that “it does not need facilities since its activity consists of the purchase and sale of fuels and the goods are transferred directly from the supplier to the customer.”

Although he billed 140 million euros in 2021 and paid hundreds of thousands of euros to Víctor de Aldama as a consultant, Have Got Time SL There was only an expense of 66,000 euros in payroll. It is therefore assumed that Leonor María González Pano was the only worker in this company. In 2022, with fewer sales, this amount was 140,000 euros.

Available for €10,000 per month

During the liquidation of the assets of Have Got Time SL, the bankruptcy administration sold the chalet rented by Ábalos for 303,620 euros and the lot of vehicles for 122,760 euros. Today, this same address in La Línea de la Concepción is for sale in a real estate agency in Cádiz for more than 700,000 euros.

You can also Rent the chalet for 2,450 euros per weekthat is, the same price that Ábalos paid for each entire month. An increase in revenues of 300%, compared to what the company linked to Aldama had reached an agreement with the former minister.




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