Home Entertainment News Pamplona allocates two million euros this year for the paving of eleven...

Pamplona allocates two million euros this year for the paving of eleven streets

Pamplona allocates two million euros this year for the paving of eleven streets

He Pamplona City Hall plans to award this year two million euros asphalting work on the city’s main streets as part of the Road Rehabilitation Plan.

To date, it has already invested nearly 1.3 million for the reform of eight roads and, by the end of the year, it is planned to realize the remaining amount in three other works, it is indicated in a press release.

The first major action was the paving of the entire traffic ring of the Fueros Squaretaking advantage of the summer months, with less road traffic.

After this reform, measures were also taken in August three more points from the city: Esquíroz Street, between Iturrama and Vuelta del Castillo; Azpilagaña roundabout, in Río Alzania and Miguel Astráin and Villava avenue, between Padre Adoáin and Capuchinos.

In recent weeks, the works on Baranáin Avenue, between Navarra Avenue and Ermitagaña Street, and at the end of October the works were carried out on Alfonso el Batallador, Abejeras and Esquíroz streets.

This week run works on Zaragoza Avenue, towards the entrance to the city, between Río Queiles and Sangüesa streets; and Íñigo Arista Street, between Pedro I and Serafín Olave.

Before the end of the year, The municipal council will assign and execute three other asphalt works in Serafín Olave, San Juan Bosco and Abejeras streets.

Both actions already carried out because those planned until the end of the year represent an amount of 1,770,752.76 euros and the rest, adds the Town Hall, up to two million euros, is devoted to other smaller actions, such as the funds close to Iñigo Arista, Esquíroz and Alfonso the Fighter.

Through other tools Like the city’s lighting plan and pedestrian mobility plan, sidewalks and passages have been improved in neighborhoods like Etxabakoitz, Milagrosa, Ensanche and Iturrama.


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