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HomeLatest NewsPamplona orders to remedy the deficiencies detected in the Palacio del Condestable

Pamplona orders to remedy the deficiencies detected in the Palacio del Condestable

He Urban Conservation Area Building Maintenance Service made a report on the pathologies presented by the Constable’s Palaceopen to the public since 2009.

The report includes defects in the second floor beams, deformations in the beams in the customer service area of ​​the Municipal register and water leaks linked to very intense precipitation, particularly in the evacuation network of the central skylight.

Faced with these pathologies, which go beyond ordinary maintenance tasks and require immediate intervention, the Local Government Council approved the commission to the instrumental entity Pamplona Centro Historico, to carry out the tender, assistance and technical monitoring for the supervision of the repair and conservation works of the building, and the proposal of solution to any other incident resulting from the intervention.

The deficiencies, detected by Conservation area technicians In early summer, they are located on the second floor, in the ceiling beams of the second floor workshop, called Room 9 or Conference Room.

One of the beams has a crack in a weak spot due to the presence of a natural knot in the wood; As a preventative measure, it was then decided to close the room to the public and to activities and to consolidate the cracked beam, as well as the rest of the beams in the area.

The room is closed until these defects are repaired. Strong deformations were also detected in the beams of the public service area of ​​the Municipal Registry, in the Ground floor, although they do not present a risk, the service remains open to the public.

Since the defects were detected, it has been studied, in collaboration with the team of architects who carried out the rehabilitation of the Palace completed in 2009 and the technical team of PCH-IB SA, different technical solutions for the repair of the room and its faster commissioning.

He the objective is to strengthen the beams in a respectful manner with the heritage value of the building and by seeking a solution that adequately integrates with the original beams.

To this end, it is proposed to hire a structural specialist to study a solution in coordination with the architects behind the project and the company’s construction management. Rehabilitation of the Constable’s Palace, the Príncipe de Viana institution, the Licensing Department of the Pamplona City Council and PCH-IB, SA.

In a first estimate, the cost of these repairs would amount to 140,000 euros. At the same time, from the Conservation areait is recommended to carry out a study of the causes and monitoring of the rest of the building to anticipate possible weak points, such as those detected in the Register.

In addition, in the event of increasingly frequent torrential rains, water leaks have been recorded, mainly located in the drainage network. central skylight evacuation and, to a lesser extent, in sealing and joinery joints.

Overflow of excess water flows is recorded in inaccessible places due to the passage of installation pipes, in particular through the skylights and rainwater drainsit is therefore necessary to consider the action from the roof itself.

Also associated with excessive flow of torrential rainthere is a specific leak in the gutter of rue Jarauta accessible by means of a lifting platform. Otherwise the cover is in good condition.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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