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HomeLatest NewsPamplona's UPN accuses Asiron of "aggressively increasing taxes" on citizens

Pamplona’s UPN accuses Asiron of “aggressively increasing taxes” on citizens

He UPN Municipal Group of the Pamplona City Council This Monday, he accused the mayor of the city, Joseba Asironof “aggressively raise taxes on all Pamplona residents form, without additional measures reducing the impact on citizens”, after the draft amendment to the tax ordinance and regulatory standards for public prices for the year 2025, adapted to the new Valuation Report.

As the UPN pointed out in a press release, “instead of hitting citizens with a swordthe application of the measures that will be implemented once the evaluation report is approved could done gradually and not suddenly, because a large part of the inhabitants of Pamplona will pay at least 40% more taxes.”

“We demand that you rectify and to be applied gradually for the next four years, to the extent that the law allows,” they stressed.

He formalist party further considers that “Asiron and Bildu sell that they apply significant discounts to certain people such as large families, single parents or beneficiaries of the Guaranteed Income, to soften the impact when the reality is that it is pure makeup“. “Since they are linked to income, very few citizens will achieve a significant bonus percentage,” they stressed.

In fact, “according to bonus announced by Bildu for these groupsA large family in which both parents earn the average salary in Navarre, that is, 29,189.5 euros, will only be entitled to 10% of the bonus.” “Therefore, the aid will be minimal for most of the people who can benefit from it,” they indicated from the UPN.

For regionalists, “Asiron’s tax increase will also lead to higher rental prices“. “Landlords, who will see their contribution increased by at least 40%, will surely pass this on to their tenants. And we already know that many vulnerable people who live in rented accommodation do so because they cannot access property. Therefore, those who need it most will pay this tax increase,” they stressed.


In this sense, the UPN has opted for “claim the capital letter in Pamplona“. “It should be Asiron’s goal to raise money, not to do it this way, by raising taxes on citizens,” they said.

Finally, The UPN stressed that it will be “very attentive to see how the mayor distributes these taxes.”. “We hope that they will benefit all citizens and not just a few, as is the usual practice of Asiron. For example, it could be used to provide assistance to families who have found themselves without a free place in municipal nursery schools; or to people who have been blocked by the Government of Navarra with aid for the rehabilitation of housing,” they said.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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