Pavel Durov, the founder of the Telegram messenger, was officially charged by the Paris prosecutor’s office two days after his arrest. According to a press release from French law enforcement, the case against the billionaire was launched on July 8 and is related to his role in the management of a popular online platform.
The French prosecution has brought charges under 12 articles, including complicity in the administration of a platform for carrying out illegal activities as part of an organised group, refusal to provide information or documents necessary for an investigation, as well as complicity in the storage and distribution of pornographic material and content involving minors. In addition, Durov is accused of complicity in the acquisition, transportation, possession and distribution of drugs, as well as providing access to tools and programs for unauthorized access to information systems.
Other charges include complicity in organised fraud and the creation of a criminal group, as well as laundering the proceeds of crime. The last three articles relate to operations with cryptocurrencies and the provision of services in this field.
Pavel Durov can remain in custody until August 28 while the investigation continues. The accusations represent a major blow for the founder of Telegram, whose platform is widely used around the world and has been repeatedly criticized by several governments for insufficient control over content.
Earlier, Cursor wrote that the media named 5 interesting facts about Pavel Durov. He was detained by police on Saturday, August 24, at Le Bourget airport.