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Partial evacuation of a protest camp.

Opponents of the A69 motorway were evicted on Friday 30 August from a camp they had set up near the construction site of the Castres-Toulouse motorway, but several of them remained perched in trees, hoping to avoid being slaughtered.

At around 7am on Friday, around 200 gendarmes took over an emblematic site in Saïx, in the Tarn, nicknamed “La Cal’arbre” by the demonstrators. “A gendarmerie operation was carried out to clear the site of La Cal’arbre, illegally occupied by opponents of the works on the A69 motorway”said the prefecture. “To this day, only a few trees remain occupied in the place”clarified at the end of the day.

“During the operation, 10 people were arrested […] An opponent was injured by an accidental fall. » AND “Two gendarmes were also slightly injured”he wrote in a press release. By midday, after the excavators had passed through, there was almost nothing left of the ZAD de La Cal’arbre, set up about fifty metres from the A69 construction site. Several opposition members remained in the trees there, hoping to prevent their felling.

“While the work of these machines continues, the risk of a tragedy is extremely serious and could cost several people their lives.”the Zadists estimate in a press release. “The concrete workers’ rampage has ended two days before the cut-off period, but our determination is unwavering”The statement added, referring to the administrative authorization for the felling of trees planned to start on 1Ahem September.

Various damages

The construction of the A69 is being criticised by environmental groups and movements, who denounce the destruction of wetlands, agricultural land, trees, ecosystems and groundwater. In June, near the construction site, thousands of opponents took part in a banned rally, punctuated by clashes with the police.

In March, in what was still a ZAD called “Crem’arbre”, also in Saïx, three “squirrels” voluntarily came down from the trees where they had camped for almost forty days, claiming to have obtained guarantees for their safety. They were welcomed downstairs by more than 200 opponents of the A69, under the watchful eye of several dozen gendarmes.

This ZAD was later completely evacuated and projectors were installed overhead to prevent people from crossing the gates, with security guards monitoring the area.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. The A69 motorway is a meeting point for those opposed to projects that “kill the climate”

Various damages have occurred at the site in recent months, including fires caused by construction equipment, without delaying the work, according to the motorway concessionaire Atosca.

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Opponents have also reported physical attacks and the setting on fire of a vehicle and tents at a camp in mid-August. The Castres prosecutor’s office is investigating “damage by fire” and “violence at gatherings.”

The Toulouse public prosecutor’s office has opened a new investigation into “damage to property by fire” following a complaint by opponents of the A69 who are occupying land in Verfeil (Haute-Garonne) on the route of the controversial motorway.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. A69 motorway: opponents organise themselves ahead of the deadline to resume tree felling

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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