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party officials and barely fifty children

The children’s bull run organized in the center of València by the former Valencian vice-president of Vox, the former bullfighter Vicente Barrera, brought together this Sunday only around fifty children who covered three streets in a one-minute race that departed from the Plaza de San Vicente Ferrer. Several Vox officials attended the event, including the spokesperson for the Valencian courts, José María Llanos.

“It’s a cultural and family event,” defended Barrera in statements to this newspaper. The former vice-president of Carlos Mazón explained that it is an event with carts in a “very beautiful route through the old town” in which the children dedicated themselves to “playing bull during a moment, what has always been done and traditionally in the squares of this country.

Vicente Barrera remembers that, “as a resident of Ciutat Vella”, he has been proposing the event for children for years. “This has nothing to do with the position I held just a few months ago as vice president and minister of Culture,” said Barrera, who regretted that “for four years, Compromís, the Socialist Party of the Valencian Country and Podemos “banned” without giving “any explanation”. The former bullfighter explained that the parents of the children, many of whom are linked to Vox, authorized their faces to be photographed and filmed.

The proposal of the businessman and former bullfighter was approved this year by the Regional Executive and by the Valencia City Council, governed by the popular María José Catalá with her partners Vox. “This year an activity has been authorized that is legitimate, within my freedom and within my rights, which is normal,” added Barrera.

The activity was requested by Vicente Barrera in his own name and on behalf of the Tinto y Oro bullfighting club, the bullfighting gathering of the Ateneo Mercantil or the bullfighting forum of the Casino Agricole. The mayor of Valencia, after her initial reluctance, ended up authorizing the confinement of children, unprecedented in the city. Neighbors and the opposition tried to stop the controversial proposal, without success.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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