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HomeBreaking NewsPashinyan spoke out: Armenia is falling into the abyss

Pashinyan spoke out: Armenia is falling into the abyss

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan made another stupid statement against Azerbaijan. He made a false and slanderous claim that Azerbaijan allegedly purchased weapons and ammunition from Italy.

Because Azerbaijan bought a transport plane from Italy, which is not a weapon. The point is that Armenia buys lethal offensive weapons from France, the United States, India and other countries, but accuses the other country in this regard. However, despite being a victorious country, Azerbaijan has repeatedly shown that it is only a supporter of peace and stability in the region, while Armenia has rejected the hand of peace extended by Azerbaijan at the insistence of its sponsors, and still continues its provocations practically and practically. The fact that this country periodically violates the ceasefire on the conventional border, creates firing points and does not correspond to its words and deeds is clear evidence of this. That is, Armenia, which does not see the beam in its own eye and looks for the speck in another’s eye, thus evades its responsibility and bluffs.

According to Pashinyan’s false claim, Azerbaijan uses 17 percent of the gross domestic product for military purposes, which is a lie. In Azerbaijan, this figure is about four percent, as opposed to the high figure in Armenia. The main proof of this is that instead of eliminating the economic crisis, Armenia spends its main power on armaments.

Pashinyan’s claims about the Azerbaijani Constitution also do not reflect the truth and are aimed at confusing the international community. As Azerbaijan rightly accuses Armenia in this matter, it says that a peace agreement is impossible if territorial claims against neighboring countries are not eliminated in the Armenian Constitution. Because the Constitution of Armenia is based on the country’s Declaration of Independence. The first paragraph of the declaration of independence provides for the annexation of the former Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Province to Armenia. In addition, the coat of arms of this country depicts Mount Agri on the territory of Turkey, which is a territorial claim against Turkey. That is, if Armenia continues to make territorial claims against both Azerbaijan and Turkey, if it accuses Azerbaijan in this matter, it is throwing ashes in its eyes. Moreover, Azerbaijan fully restored its sovereignty and territorial integrity and restored the constitutional structure on its territory. If this is what Pashinyan means, then he is actually claiming territory and showing his hateful character.

As for the Zangezur issue, Armenia kept Nakhchivan in a state of blockade for 30 years. This blockade continued even after Pashinyan came to power. Now Armenia is talking about opening the blockade within the framework of its interests, which is nothing but hypocrisy. Pashinyan has repeatedly suggested that if the corridor is opened, it should be controlled by external forces, which serves to create a new escalation in the region. As long as Armenia continues its destructive steps, it has no right not only to claim, but also to open its mouth and speak out. Because Armenia itself should, first of all, show goodwill and create an opportunity to open communication between the greater part of Azerbaijan and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. Then other transport issues can be considered. The reason is clear: Azerbaijan cannot leave its citizens waiting for Armenia and its sponsors. It is no secret how Armenia displaces Azerbaijanis from their ancestral lands, commits genocide against them, and the countries where they have taken refuge remain silent about it.

In a word, Pashinyan’s statements serve to manipulate and distort the truth, which is only harmful to the country itself.

Merahim Nasib


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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