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HomeEntertainment NewsPatent reform, the flagship measure of Gabriel Attal's "knowledge shock", is being...

Patent reform, the flagship measure of Gabriel Attal’s “knowledge shock”, is being abandoned until 2025

The rules on patents will not change in 2025. Two months after the defeat of the former majority in the legislative elections and two weeks after the start of the school year, the Ministry of Education finally registered, on Monday 16 September, the abandonment of the project to make the exam compulsory for moving on to second grade and to modify the conditions for obtaining it from the next session. “The evaluation cannot change during the year, this would have been possible from the beginning of the school year but not anymore”It is argued in the environment of the resigning minister, Nicole Belloubet.

During his back-to-school press conference on August 27, the latter still claimed that some of the texts were “loans” and that the ministry should “to ensure its publication” at the end of the daily management period, “so that they come into force for the 2025 patent”However, they were not included in the agenda of the Higher Education Council on September 5, nor on that of the 12th. The next meeting of this body, which must necessarily examine the texts, will not take place until October 10, too late to consider modifying an exam that students from 3my will happen in a few months.

“Knowing whether the patent is mandatory or not changes everything; taking into account the averages of the year instead of evaluating skills as today, is not the same and cannot be changed during the year”explains Audrey Chanonat, director of the university and national secretary of SNPDEN-UNSA.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. Nicole Belloubet’s balancing act before a return to school full of uncertainties

The revision of the first school exam was one of the emblematic measures of the “knowledge shock”, announced by Gabriel Attal, then director of national education, on December 5, 2023. Denouncing a “lowering the level of demands”had decided to break with the 76-year-old history of this exam by making its success a condition for access to secondary school from 2025, a measure also advocated by the right and the far right. “A meaningful test is a test that has consequences”argued the man who is now a member of the National Assembly after having been Prime Minister from January to September 2024.

A project “frozen at this stage”

The procedures for obtaining the certificate also had to be revised to give more weight to the final exams (60%) than to the continuous assessment (40%), which is now counted equally. Finally, the continuous assessment scale had to be revised so that it was no longer based on mastery of the common core of knowledge, skills and culture, but on the averages obtained throughout the year.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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