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HomeBreaking NewsPedro Rocha is reported to the CSD for the news published by...

Pedro Rocha is reported to the CSD for the news published by El Español on the RFEF

The lawyer Erica Ebuera filed two complaints against Pedro Rocha inside Higher Council of Sports and requests the opening of two new sanction procedures which are elevated to the rank Administrative Court of Sports (TAD) for the former president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation.

The first of the complaints, which requests the disqualification of Pedro Rocha for several very serious crimes, concerns the increase in salaries of the management of the RFEF when the man from Extremadura was president of the Director. These facts were revealed by EL ESPAÑOL on April 16, 2024.

The second complaint also calls for the current Secretary General to be sanctioned, Alvaro de Miguelfor having failed, as the person responsible for this function, to respect the rules of the Transparency and good government since the salaries of senior officials of the RFEF have not been updated on its official website since 2021.

As published by this newspaper, Rocha awarded a bonus of 7,000 euros per month to his trusted team without being approved by any commission. The benefactors of this bonus previously received a salary of more than 175,000 euros per year.

The presented document joins the information from EL ESPAÑOL, which referred to the increase in the salaries of administrators. Alfredo Olivares -executive Director-, Elvira Andres -chief of staff- and Emilio Herrero -financial director-. The complaint adds that the salary of Marisa Gonzalezcorporate communications director, “for a very significant amount.”

Thus, according to the complaint, “Pedro Rocha’s illicit acts refer to his unilateral approval of unjustified and exorbitant salary increases for his collaborators.”

“The salary increases were not submitted to any of the bodies that could be competent. They were not submitted to the Management Committeenor to Economic Commissionnor to the Remuneration Commission (abolished, at least de facto, by Pedro Rocha)”, the lawyer argues in her complaint.

The editorial explains that “the three aforementioned directors thus obtained remunerations exceeding 300,000 euros for each of them. And this was exclusively due to the whim of Pedro Rocha.”

Furthermore, add that, according to the last paragraph of Article 11 of the Procedures Manual of the Economic zone“THE Remuneration Commission “will supervise and authorize the remuneration of the directors and senior officials of the RFEF.”

The complainant concludes by stating that “Pedro Rocha has de facto abolished this Commission to avoid any control” and “has deprived all these bodies not only of the decision, but also of the knowledge of his unilateral decision to increase the aforementioned remuneration.”

“To verify the reality of what is reported, it would be enough to ask the RFEF for the salary slips of the aforementioned people for 2023 and 2024, in order to verify at any time what their salaries are,” he adds.

Finally, he warns that it must be taken into account that in the case of Alfredo Olivares, this salary increase “had to be taken into account when he was compensated after the termination of the employment relationship that linked him to the RFEF, which will have caused” the unfair economic damage caused to the RFEF itself stemming from the abuse of authority by Pedro Rocha.

Alvaro de Miguel, denounced

Regarding the second complaint, the lawyer claims that Álvaro de Miguel does not respect the Sports Law of 2022 since the salaries of the president, the secretary general and other senior officials of the RFEF have not been public since 2021.

In the same way, he also denounces Pedro Rocha for this reason, since he is the head of the RFEF and the one who appointed Álvaro de Miguel as secretary general.

Álvaro de Miguel in the authorities’ box during a Spanish national team match.



Rocha is currently disqualified for two years for abuse of authority in his decisions to dismiss the secretary general. Andreu Camps. THE National Court He rejected the precautionary measure requested by Extremadura and maintained the sanction imposed by the TAD.

Thus, despite all the legal maneuvers that Rocha has tried in recent weeks, he will not be able to run in the next RFEF elections. In addition, these two new complaints further complicate his future and now also that of the current Secretary General Álvaro de Miguel.

As reported by EL ESPAÑOL, last Friday a complaint was also filed against Javier Tebas before the CSD for failure to comply with the rules of transparency and good governance.




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