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Pedro Sánchez assures that the government is ready to recognize the “singularities” of the autonomous communities that “want” it

Pedro Sanchez The PSOE Federal Committee began with a speech that raised many points of interest, such as the announcement that He will stand again for the post of secretary general of the PSOE or the recognition that the government is willing to recognize “singularities” in the autonomous communities that “want” it.

The speech of the President of the Government has begun with congratulations to Salvador Illa for becoming President of Catalonia and Óscar López for his new position as Minister of Digital Transformation, to then launch a message of gratitude for the support he received during the last Federal Commission, held during his period of reflection in which he was not present.

“Four months ago we held the last Federal Committee and I was not present. I want to repay the debt I have since then by being grateful for the support my family and I have received. Governing is an honor, a privilege, but it can be difficult because you also suffer, especially when some use it to attack your family members with lies,” he noted.

Sánchez assured that he remains firmly at the head of the government despite the attacks suffered not only by him, but also by his family: “Being president means paying a high personal cost, but being the partner, the brother of this president, is a higher and unfair cost due to the hate crimes and insults that are present. This made me ask myself a question that you have all asked yourselves at some point, if it is worth this high price. Today I am certain that it is. Our commitment is to ordinary peopleand if the price to pay is defamation, we grit our teeth and move on.”

Later, the socialist leader stressed that his objective is not to “resist”, as the PP accuses him of, but rather to “transform Spain”: “Spain is living one of its best moments in recent decades. We govern the socialists. Those who think that our goal is to resist are wrong, our goal is to transform Spain in one of the most developed countries. We will not stop trying, whether it is the 37.5-hour working day, peace in Ukraine and Palestine, budgets…”.

He even had a place in his speech to show his support for the Venezuelan opposition leader. Edmundo González, whom he described as a “hero that Spain will not abandon”.

Sánchez then focused on the debate on regional financing. He attacked the autonomous management of the Popular Party, of which he pointed out many actions on the right, highlighting among others that of Madrid, where he assures that the Ayuso government has diverted 1 billion euros to private health.

For the same reason, he defended that his government is the one that has invested the most in the autonomous communities in the history of Spain: “Now the alibi is regional financing, the excuse with which they hide their political project. Since 2018, 935 billion euros transferred to the autonomous communities, 32% more than the Mariano Rajoy government and all this without counting European funds. Never in 40 years has a government invested so much money in autonomy“.

“So what’s the problem? Some people beg with one hand while with the other they give gifts to the richest. One out of every three euros that the government sends to Madrid is used for this purpose.”Is there anything more disgusting than seeing right-wing governments receiving money and giving it to the pockets of those who have the most? “When the right says that tax money is better in your pocket, they are not referring to those in the middle class,” he added.

And to silence the debate on single funding in Catalonia, Pedro Sánchez assured that the government is willing to do so with the autonomous communities that wish it: “We are willing to recognize the singularity and for all autonomous communities that wish to do so to collect and manage more taxes. because it is something consistent with our federal state and something they already do successfully in Germany or Canada.

“If this new autonomous scene is well designed, can help us create a more equitable financing systemwhich reduces territorial differences and the sufficiency of public spending and requires co-responsibility with the autonomous communities. They are all going to receive more resources than when Rajoy’s PP was in power. We are going to do it because we are going to double the resources of the interterritorial relations fund. In regional financing, the debate is not between territories, but between models,” he defended.

Furthermore, he “reached out” to all the regional presidents, including those of the opposition, to come and talk with him at Moncloa in the coming weeks: “I want to ask all the autonomous opposition leaders to speakOur hand is extended and this can be confirmed by the regional presidents that I will meet in the coming weeks.”




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