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“Pedro Sánchez took a photo during the meeting with Juanma Moreno and made fun of the Andalusians again”

The spokesperson for the Andalusian Government and Minister of Economy and Finance, Caroline Spaindescribed the meeting held yesterday in Moncloa by the President of the Council, Juanma Morenoand that of Spain, Pedro Sanchezas a waste of time and assured that Sanchez “has made fun of the Andalusians again.”

“This Friday we verified that we have a government that does not govern. Sánchez only lives in Moncloa and that costs all Spaniards, but especially all of us. We, the Andalusians, who pay the transfers and privileges to the independence movement“, assured Spain this Saturday in a report following the said meeting.

As stated, Pedro Sánchez made the Andalusians “waste their time” with this meeting “and has taken a step forward since it has not planned to solve the important problems that we have in Andalusia, such as the financing related to our essential public services, such as health, education or dependency. It has been represented and “He made fun of the Andalusians again.”

For the spokesman of the Andalusian Government, the attitude of Sánchez represents “a new contempt for Andalusia“because Sanchez did not attend this meeting “with any proposal while we all know that he is Negotiate through the back door with the separatistsOnce again, he is wasting the time of the autonomous communities that defend the Constitution, while he gains time by negotiating behind closed doors with the Catalan independentists who want to divide Spain.

Carolina España insisted that the Catalan quota “breaks the principles of equality and social cohesion” represents a total attack on equality between all Spaniards. Andalusia has received 1.5 billion euros every year since 2009. The privileged financing of the independence movement will lead to an even greater worsening of the situation in our territory, even if “We’re not going to allow that.”

At this point and regarding the request that Juanma Moreno made to him to withdraw his proposal for preferential financing for Catalonia, the spokesperson for the Andalusian Government added that what the President of the Council asked him “is abandon as quickly as possible this independence delirium which will cost our community so much, because what is clear is that Andalusia will be the community most affected and the one that loses the most.

And he once again pointed out a new grievance, this time with the Basque Country: Thus, he stressed that in this first series of meetings between Sánchez and the regional presidents, Sánchez reached agreements on Friday in Moncloa. It is curious that with the Lehendakari, Imanol Pradales, there were agreements for. transfer “up to six powers, with their corresponding resources, while for Andalusia, not a single commitment, even though Juanma Moreno received up to 100 complaints about immigration, water infrastructure, electricity, railway problems or dependency. In the end, He leaves Andalusia empty-handed while others leave with full pockets“Besides, full pockets that we, the Andalusians, also pay for,” he reproached.

In this sense, he questioned the fact that Sánchez said he was looking for a formula to respond to the demands of the independence movement without harming the rest of the communities. “If the money is the same and more resources are given to a territory, the rest loses. Will Sanchez perform the miracle of the loaves and fishes? We fear that he will try to raise taxes again, and this would be the 69th time he has done so. We want to make it very clear to you that the Andalusians We are not going to pay more taxes to finance the independence party, There he will have all of Andalusia against us.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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