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Pedro Sanchez’s cynicism about illegal immigration

The Irish writer Oscar Wilde He said: “A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything and gives value to nothing.” Having lived in our time, savage would have completed an equally accurate definition by saying that, moreover, this cynic is married to a cigarette salesman and has a brother who is a trendy musician, who neither likes to work nor to pay taxes, both accused of crimes of corruption and influence peddling; and would illustrate his explanation with the photograph of Pedro Sanchez mounted on the Falcon with sunglasses.

“Unfortunately, the criminal networks that human trafficking continues to grow. These organizations are not only playing with the lives of our compatriots, shatter the future of many deceived young people and the hopes of the families who trust them, but are also associated with other crimes such as illicit trafficking of all kinds and also with terrorism. And to combat this threat that affects the stability and security of our societies, the return of those who They arrived irregularly in Spain, mainly because this return sends a discouraging, clear, clear and strong message to the mafias and those who put themselves in their hands.

If these words had been spoken by the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, No one would have been surprised, since they coincide perfectly with the discourse that their training has always defended. But by linking illegal immigration to the mafias, THE delinquency and the terrorism; and clearly express the need for those who enter Spain committing crimes to be immediately expelled, the entire team of synchronized opinion would have violently attacked him and today we would have the entire press progress demanding little less than the immediate imprisonment of Santiago Abascal, for xenophobic, racist and fascist. That would be normal.

We could be happy if, on the contrary, the person who made this very reasonable speech had been a party leader. People’s Party. For example, the President of Andalusia, Juanma Moreno, who, about the menas, said: “We have the heart donkey large enough for 30 or 300 more people to come. If a child enters our territory we have to welcome him, we have to support him, we have to support him, we have to help him. And to make a big speech saying, “Hey, look, if 300 minors arrive, we are endangering the security of the Spanish people,” is wrong.” Or perhaps the PP spokesman, Borja Always, who has just declared that his party “is not talking about mass deportations in any case”. But no, unfortunately, no member of the People’s Party who pronounced them.

This speech is literally copied from the speech he made yesterday. Pedro Sanchez at an event in Cervantes Institute from Dakar where the initiative was launched The African Alliance is making progress to promote investments in Senegal, the last stop on his post-holiday tour which also took him to Mauritania and Gambia. Take the chestnut!

One of the first measures adopted by Pedro Sanchez When he arrived in Moncloa in 2018, he organized a circus to bring the 630 immigrants illegal immigrants transported Aquariusmobilizing a system composed of more than 2,300 people and broadcast live by 598 journalists. It Aquarius It was the ship of a NGO accused of collaborating with the mafia illegal immigration, simulate fake sea rescues in order to bring Europe to said immigrants. On that occasion, Sánchez said that the reception of illegal immigrants, transported by the mafias, “does not cause a call effect.” Today, illegal immigrants from Aquarius They were neither expelled nor legalized.

No one can say they are surprised by this news. “change of mind” of our President of the Government, since we are already accustomed to continually doing the opposite what i promisedor as on this occasion, he says the exact opposite of what he does, always motivated exclusively by his selfish and excessive ambition for power. But I put myself in the shoes of his voters and I wonder if there is no limit to his ability to say that it is raining every time the cynic of Pedro Sanchez he urinates on it.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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