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HomeBreaking NewsPeinado puts marks on copies of video of his interrogation of Sánchez...

Peinado puts marks on copies of video of his interrogation of Sánchez to prevent leaks

Judge Juan Carlos Peinado ordered put identification marks to the various copies of the video of his interrogation of Pedro Sánchez, which he will distribute to the parties appearing in the Begoña case. However, the date when it will be delivered is unknown.

In a resolution that EL ESPAÑOL has had access to, the Court of Instruction number 41 of Madrid summons them all next Monday to the Plaza de Castilla, where the judicial body has its headquarters.

There, the holidays Voice And Justice Europethe association Make yourself heard and the union Clean hands —popular accusations, all of them— will receive a copy of the recording of the interrogations of the rest of the witnesses of the Begoña casein which Pedro Sanchez’s wife is being investigated, Begoña Gomez.

Regarding the video of the very brief statement by the President of the Government – who took advantage of the legal dispensation that allows him not to testify against his wife – the only thing that the resolution mentions is the following: “Regarding the one made on July 30, once Madrid Digital has delivered the duly identified copiesyou will remember it.”

Judge Peinado’s decision to hand over the video of Sánchez testifying to the parties has sparked some controversy. The prosecution had opposed it and asked the magistrate not to do so. However, he decided to distribute copies of the recording, given that the parties appearing in court Begoña case They have the right to own that material in the format it was recorded in. In this case, a video.

“The truth is that the parties have the right to have a copy of all the documents contained in the preliminary proceedings, including those contained in the digital media in which, where appropriate, the investigative procedures carried out are documented,” the judge replied to the prosecutor in charge of the case, even though the video of Sánchez’s deposition lasts barely two minutes.

“The procedural interpretation that can be made of the behavior which, on the part of one of the participants, reveals, either because of what they answer or because of their silencelegitimate, but which, as is known, allows inferences to be made which, where appropriate, together with other elements of an objective nature, can lead to conclusions of an objective nature, in order to assess the possible concurrence of the integral elements aspects, of possible indications, either in an incriminating sense towards the person being investigated, or, on the contrary, in a sense excluding criminal responsibility”, justified Peinado.

In fact, this decision motivated the President of the Government, through the Attorney General’s Office, to broaden his complaint against the magistrate, whom he accuses of “guide” his “instructor activity” in favor of “media dissemination” to the detriment of Sanchez and his wife.

Thus, it is not expected that the parties will receive this Monday the copies of the recording of the interrogation of the President of the Government, which took place at the Moncloa Palace, where Peinado went to take the deposition of his tenant. They will not have it in their hands until the videos are marked. Although the resolution does not make it explicit, the objective of this procedure is none other than to dissuade those who receive it from leaking it to the press.




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