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HomeLatest NewsPeralta residents take to the streets after finding themselves without a pediatrician

Peralta residents take to the streets after finding themselves without a pediatrician

The news that Peraltaa city of Middle Zone of Navarrewill find themselves without the pediatric service has triggered a wave of indignation among its inhabitants. It should be remembered that this same Friday it was also announced that Olite was left without emergency service.

This Saturday, at noon, dozens of people gathered to demand immediate replacement of this essential service, emphasizing that pediatric care is not a luxury, but rather a fundamental right. The demonstration was peaceful, but with a strong message: the children’s health It is not negotiated.

The announcement of the withdrawal of the Pediatrics service generated an outcry enormous discomfort in Peralta. This town, which is home to many young families, counted on this service to guarantee specialized medical care of his children.

Neighbors expressed concern about well-being and safety of the youngest, because the absence of a specialized pediatrician means that many diseases cannot be detected in time, compromising the health of children.

He manifest read during the rally reflected this unease. “We are not asking for privileges, we are asking for rights,” says the text, emphasizing the importance of having healthcare professionals who can care for children in their most vulnerable moments.

Neighbors denounce that the removal of Pediatrics it’s a direct attack At children’s healthand they consider this decision to be another example of budget cuts which generally affect the most deprived.

A growing movement

This mobilization is not an isolated case. This same week, we learned that Oliteanother Navarrese municipality, finds itself without emergency servicewhich caused great concern in the region. The lack of specialized medical resources and budget cuts in health care seriously affect the Middle Zone of Navarreendangering the access to quality medical care for many of its inhabitants.

In Peralta, neighbors are determined to don’t give up. In the manifesto read at the rally, they stressed that they would not stop protesting until the pediatric service was restored. “Today we are here, together and in peace, to defend what is right. We will not give up until every boy or girl has the pediatrician they need,” one of the paragraphs reads.

The importance of pediatrics in rural areas

Peralta is a town that has grown in recent years, with many young families which depend on Local health center for the medical care of their children. The withdrawal of a specialized service like pediatrics does not only affect Peralta, but the entire region.

Parents are now faced with the possibility of having to travel to other municipalities to receive pediatric care, which constitutes a major and possible inconvenience overload of medical services in other nearby locations.

The manifesto read at the rally was clear in this sense: “Pediatricians are not a luxury, they are a necessity. Without them, our children are not protected in their most vulnerable moments. This lack of specialized medical care directly affects quality of life families in the region and endangers the early detection of diseases.

The neighbors requested that prioritize children’s healthdemanding a firm commitment from the Government of Navarra and Navarrese Health Service (Osasunbidea) to restore this service as soon as possible.

As concern grows, other localities that have seen their health services diminished are also showing support for Peralta’s demands. The loss of pediatricians in rural areas of Navarra is a problem that affects more than one municipality, and many fear that the lack of investment in health care the situation in rural areas will continue to deteriorate in the years to come.

The concentration in Peralta was not only an act of protest, but also a call for unity. Families, local associations and representatives of civil society came together to demand that the well-being of the little ones. As the manifesto points out: “Children’s health cannot be sold or negotiated. Our boys and girls deserve the best medical care possible, and we won’t stop until we get it. »

The Peralta families have made it clear that this will not be the last action they take if the pediatric service is not restored in their municipality. In addition, they plan to organize new mobilizations to put pressure on the authorities and reach an agreement. quick and effective solution.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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