The Provincial Delegation of Cordoba, through its Culture Delegation, announced the winning works of its four literary prizesthe XXIV Vicente Núñez Poetry Prize, the XXV Rural Novel Prize, the III Antonio Gala Dramatic Writing Prize and the XIII Illustrated Album Prize for Children or Young People.
The work ‘Bailan las hadas’, by Marta Morón Canís, was the winner of the 13th edition of the Prize Illustrated album Children or young people. In the opinion of the jury, it is “a remarkable work for the quality of the illustrations, the mastery of drawing and the use of different techniques and materials”. Morón is a professor at the Mateo Inurria School of Arts in the capital Córdoba.
The institution highlighted that a total of 42 jobs. The jury responsible for selecting the winning work was chaired by the cultural delegate of the provincial institution, Gabriel Duque for Miguel Cerro; joined by Borja Cámara, Javier Flores, Estrella Borrego and Celia Santos.
Concerning the winning work of the XXIVth Prize of Poetry Vicente Núñez, the jury selected, among the 253 collections of poetry presented, the work “My mother lit a volcano alone”, by Diana Paola Agámez Pajaro.
The jury for this award was composed of Jaime Siles, Benjamín Clark, María Sanz, Julieta Valero and Bartolomé Delgadounder the presidency of Duque. As for the poet, she has published “several works and carries out her professional activity as an intercultural mediator and teacher of Spanish and Italian”, added the Provincial Council.
On the other hand, a total of 90 works were submitted to the XXV Prix de Rural novell Provincial Council of Cordoba, and “Constance and Consolation” was the winner, by Perpetual help Jiménez Varona. The author, originally from the municipality of Zuheros, is a philologist and has published several storybooks, in addition to participating in various literary meetings. In this case, the jury was composed of Azahara Palomeque, Almudena de Arteaga, Juan Cruz, Alejandro López Andrada and Jesús Sánchez and chaired by the delegate.
Finally, the work “Renewable energies”by Celia Morán Pérez, was winner of the III “Antonio Gala” Dramatic Writing Prize, for “its risky bet and the originality and topicality of the theme addressed; a work, in the words of the jury, between idealism and limits”, they transferred from the provincial institution.
The jury for this prize, to which 153 works were submitted, was composed of María Jesús Bajo, Verónica Rodríguez, Carmen Pombero, David Montero and Máximo Ortega, chaired by the Deputy for Culture. As for the author, Célia Morán Pérezis an actress, director and playwright. He has published a few works and received awards for directing.
Each of the four prizes is endowed with 12,000 euros, to which are added the publication of the work and a donation from the artist. Javier Flores Castillero. The awards ceremony will take place on November 28 at 8:00 p.m. in the Liceo hall of Royal Circle of Friendship.