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Person infected with West Nile virus dies in Jaén and eleven new cases appear in Andalusia

A Villanueva de la Reina, 60 years old, in Jaén, infected with the West Nile virus died at the Reina Sofía Hospital in Córdoba, as reported by the Junta de Andalucía in its weekly report on the evolution of this disease in the community. However, it emphasizes that the reason for the death “is not directly linked to the Virus of West Nile, but to a serious previous pathology,” according to sources from the ministry and confirmed by the mayor of the city of Jaén, Blas Alves.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Health and Consumption of the Government of Andalusia, through the General Directorate of Public Health and Pharmaceutical Regulation, confirmed this Monday that there is Eleven new cases of West Nile virus Westerner in two people from Dos Hermanas, two in Coria del Río, one in San Juan de Aznalfarache, one in Gelves and another in El Real de la Jara; in the province of Seville.

In Jaén, three cases have been confirmed: one in Ibros, another in Villanueva de la Reina and another in Lopera. Finally, a case in the Cordoba municipality of La Rambla, located hospitalized and is progressing favorably.

The number of deaths due to WNV remains at seven. On the other hand, the presence of WNV has been detected in the catches made in the municipalities of Cadiz from Barbate, Benalup Casas Viejas, Tarifa and Vejer de la Frontera; as well as in the Sevillian municipality of Los Palacios and Villafranca.

Similarly, following the integration of surveillance, Public Health reported that the presence of West Nile virus in five horses: one in the municipality of Jaén d’Arjona; another in the municipality of Villamartín, in Cádiz; one in Las Navas de la Concepción, another in Espartinas and another in Cazalla de la Sierra, the last three in the province of Seville, communicated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development; and in a gannet located at sea, more than 2 kilometers from the coast of Huelva, by the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Environment and Blue Economy.

Health and Consumption informed municipal elected officials of the public health actions that they “must adopt” as provided for in the Comprehensive monitoring and control program of vectors transmitting West Nile fever (WNF) in Andalusia to reduce in a “relevant” way the probabilities of transmission to the population, furthermore, based on the analysis of the weekly results of viral species, densities and circulation, maintains continuous monitoring of the mosquito surveillance and control actions carried out by the pest control companies hired by the municipalities of Cádiz and Seville to control peri-urban areas and specifically, with regard to actions within populations, carrying out on-site checks and follow-up meetings every week with the most affected municipalities and the companies they have hired.

In addition, the Public Health Weekly Report concludes that population densities of females of potentially transmissible mosquito species are at high levels (Grade III) in The Palaces and Villafranca (Seville) and La Puebla del Río in Brazo del Este (Seville) and at medium levels (Grade II) in Villamanrique de la Condesa (Seville) and Benalup Casas Viejas (Cádiz).


Based on data obtained from different sources of information, the Commission concludes that the populations of transmitting mosquitoes maintain the low densities observed during the first week of September in most traps, obtaining medium or high densities in the traps of La Puebla del Río (Brazo del Este), Los Palacios and Villafranca (northwest of the city), Villamanrique de la Condesa (south of the city) and Benalup-Casas Viejas (northeast of the city).

Regarding the circulation of West Nile virus in the traps of the province of Seville During the first week of September, it was only detected in transmitting mosquitoes from a single trap, specifically the one that covers the rural area of ​​Los Palacios and Villafranca (northwest of the city), being negative in the rest of the traps transported in the province (including those of the EBD-CSIC).

Regarding the province of Cadiz, During the second week of September, the decrease in the density of transmitting mosquitoes observed during the first week is maintained, although the circulation of the virus is maintained in the traps of the rural areas of Benalup-Casas Viejas and Vejer de la Frontera, adding the presence of viruses in the rural areas of Barbate and Tarifa, during the first week of September.

No circulation of West Nile virus has been detected in traps in the province of Malaga (they correspond to the week of September 2 to 6). Finally, next week, the incorporation of traps is planned in the province of Jaén given the evolution of the cases reported in this province for a diagnosis of the transmissible species that may be present in said province, their density and circulation of the virus in the samples to be collected during the coming weeks.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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