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HomeBreaking NewsPevtsov explained his long refusal to act in Russian cinema

Pevtsov explained his long refusal to act in Russian cinema

People’s Artist of Russia, State Duma deputy (“New People”) Dmitry Pevtsov explained why he rejects most offers to film new projects.

“I haven’t acted for seven years because I have nothing to do! But I don’t want to waste my life on nonsense and people coming to the living room to watch and eat popcorn. We were trained like pigs to eat and drink in the cinema. And I’ve played enough in my life, I don’t want anything for a long time.” — he told the StarHit portal.

According to Pevtsov, there has been a decline in Russian cinema in recent years, despite the ability of Russian filmmakers to use technology and the presence of professional actors.

“We realized that the latest blockbusters are either Soviet heroes or plots taken from those years.” – explained the artist.

He stressed that there is also a lack of quality children’s films.

“We don’t have any children’s films now. Where can you go with children aged 6 to 12 and older? Because you can’t start everything with the question: ‘How can I make money?’ If there is no love, then there will be nothing. – Pevtsov is sure.

As reported EADailyA year ago, Pevtsov spoke about his readiness to start his own theatre business amid constant invitations to direct one or another theatre.

The artist believes he has between 15 and 20 years of active work left.

“And I am thinking of creating something of my own. Starting some kind of theatre business. There is desire, there is strength.” – Pevtsov explained.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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