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HomeLatest NewsPF as a pillar of 65% of the workforce in 2030

PF as a pillar of 65% of the workforce in 2030

He labor market The sector is undergoing a period of significant transformation, driven by a combination of disruptive factors such as technological advancements, demographic shifts and evolving consumer preferences and behaviors. These are not only redefining the nature of work, but also radically changing traditional employment models. Automation, digitalization and globalization cause many skills and competencies that were once essential to become obsolete, while New requirements are emerging that require rapid adaptation.

In this context, Vocational training (VET) emerges as an essential pillar to prepare the workforce to face the challenges of the future, as it fills the skills gap and ensures competitiveness in emerging and traditional sectors. The official FP not only offers specialized and practical training that meets the current demands of the labor market, but also has the flexibility to update and adapt its programs according to the emerging needs of different sectors. This makes a strategic tool both for workers, who are looking to enter the job market quickly with solid and applicable skills, and for companies, which need to have a trained and adaptable workforce to remain competitive in an increasingly dynamic environment.

The value of vocational training in the Spanish labour market is increasingly evident. VET graduates are gaining ground on university graduates as preferred candidates by companies, which is reflected in a significant increase in demand for these profiles. According to data from the employment portal Jobatus, currently 45.2% of the job offers published on its platform require candidates to have a vocational training degree, a percentage that is expected to continue growing in the coming years. In fact, projections suggest that by 2030, Around 65% of the professionals required in the Spanish labour market will come from vocational trainingThese data highlight the growing importance of VET in preparing skilled workers capable of meeting specific labour market demands.

A wide variety of VET programs

Today, official centers authorized to provide vocational training play a key role in training highly qualified professionals to meet the demands of the labor market. A notable example of such centers is ILERNA, one of the most powerful official FP companies at the national level, with more than 50 years of experience in the educational sector and more than 100,000 graduates. ILERNA’s training catalogue is extensive and covers cutting-edge and strategic sectors of high demand, such as administration and management, IT and communication, commerce and marketing, health, hospitality and tourism, image and sound, socio-cultural services and sports education. These programmes are designed to provide students not only with solid knowledge in specific areas, but also with practical skills that prepare them to integrate and adapt quickly to a changing job market.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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