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HomeLatest NewsPlenary asks ADIF to accelerate the stop on Avenida de la Igualdad...

Plenary asks ADIF to accelerate the stop on Avenida de la Igualdad and to accept another one next to Parque Joyero with municipal funds

He Plenary session of the City Hall of Cordoba unanimously approved to ask the central government accelerate the implementation of the railway stoppage on the advent of equality initiated by ADIF more than five years ago after learning, as reported by ABC, that the infrastructure entity had canceled the project development contract signed in 2019 with the winning company.

Similarly, the four groups in the plenary (PP, PSOE, We Make Córdoba and Vox) supported the Popular Group’s request to reach an agreement with the Central Executive so that another stop can be built next to the Joyero Park and Palace of Exhibitions, Fairs and Congresses of Cordoba with funding from the City Council of Córdoba and on condition that the Government, and in this case, operators such as Renfe, undertake to stop their services depending on the congresses or fairs that may be held there.

For months, the mayor of Cordoba, Jose Maria Bellidohas looked into this issue – which has been discussed for over a decade – to improve access to this new provision, which already has dozens of appointments.

Over-the-counter liquidation

ADIF ruled out building a stop at this location – also next to the copper pole – and chose to do it on Avenida de la Igualdad, according to the calculations of residents and potential users. However, faced with this refusal, Bellido insisted that he would be willing to which will be launched with municipal funds provided that the other party agrees to stop the train at these specific frequencies (and not daily).

Five years ago, ADIF awarded the company Ingerop T3 for 200,000 euros and a drafting period of twelve months the consultancy and technical assistance services for this stop between the central station and the Rabanales campus and which was looking for greater coverage and frequency in an area with more inhabitants and potential users. It should be ready at the end of 2020, in the middle of a pandemic.

Today, and as published by this newspaper, the basic contract of the project that existed has been suspended “and is currently being resolved and over-the-counter settlement with the winning company,” central government sources quoted him as saying. This means that until the issue is resolved, new procedures for developing the project cannot be initiated.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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