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HomeBreaking NewsPodemos demands that the government exhume Milans del Bosch and Moscardó from...

Podemos demands that the government exhume Milans del Bosch and Moscardó from the crypt of the Alcazar of Toledo

Podemos presented to the Congress of Deputies a question addressed to the Government to clarify when it will carry out the exhumation, in accordance with the Democratic Memory Law, of the mortal remains of General José Moscardó and Lieutenant Colonel Jaime Milans del Bosch.buried in the crypt of the Alcazar of Toledo

The purple formation considers that article 38.3 of the aforementioned law must be applied, which establishes that “the mortal remains of the leaders of the 1936 military coup cannot be or remain buried in a prominent place of public access, other than a cemetery, which could facilitate the carrying out of public acts of exaltation, praise or commemoration of human rights violations during war or dictatorship”.

In this sense, Podemos recalls that in the Alcazar of Toledo, a space dependent on the Ministry of Defense and which houses the Army Museum, the mortal remains of these two soldiers remain buried and denounces that “On the spot, fascist groups paid tribute to Moscardó”.

“Stop looking the other way.”

Likewise, the coordinator of Podemos in Castile-La Mancha, José Luis García Gascón, criticizes the government of Castile-La Mancha for “not seeing the need for a regional law on democratic memory” and demands that its president, Emiliano García-Page, stop “continuing to look the other way”. In this sense, he recalled that “the dissemination, protection and study of democratic memory are essential to put an end to the revisionist and sectarian discourse of the right and the extreme right”, but he insisted on the fact that it is also essential to recognize all those who gave their lives for democracy, rights and equality.

Gascón also considers that the region “has a historical debt to the victims of the Franco regime.”because according to him, in more than 40 years, “the actions carried out by the Junta have been residual, even with setbacks like the recent text withdrawn by Culture which whitewashed Francoism”.

Finally, the coordinator of Podemos in Castilla-La Mancha insists that, two years after the entry into force of the national law on democratic memory, “all regional public administrations actively cooperate in the application of this norm” .by removing all symbols or nomenclature in favor of the dictatorship and by identifying, exhuming and repairing all the victims who disappeared in Castile-La Mancha.”




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