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Podemos leadership in Aragon resigns en bloc due to “disagreements” with parliamentary group

The leadership of Podemos in Aragon has resigned en masse due to “disagreements with the parliamentary group”, which has only one deputy, Andoni Corrales.

In a published statement that they sent to the Coordination Council of Podemos Aragón and to the General Coordinator, they explain that the leader of the party in the autonomous community, Marta de Santos, and the four members of the management are leaving their positions. The formation must choose a manager in Aragon.

This regional executive of Podemos has been functioning since the beginning of February this year, when Marta de Santos was appointed, the only candidate to have obtained 87.3% of the votes of the militancy.

“We had a campaign in the European Championships that was a beacon for the team, but we experienced situations that we did not know or that we could not manage as the militancy and the people who vote for Podemos deserve.”

They continue their statement by stating that “we can be the tool to transform society and take this country to a better place” and that they have made the decision to resign because “at this moment we have neither the strength nor the desire that the project needs in Aragon.” “You can count on us for what you need, but as grassroots activists.”

They add that there have been “numerous attempts” to collaborate with the parliamentary group but that “after several head-on clashes with the people who make it up”, they understand that “a point of no return” has been reached.

They believe that the current moment does not favor “the growth or establishment of a strong Podemos in Aragon.” Finally, they emphasize that this decision represents the beginning of a process with which they hope the party will become more “solid.”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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