Home Latest News Police arrest two businessmen in Palma for exploitation

Police arrest two businessmen in Palma for exploitation


National Police agents arrested two men as alleged perpetrators of an offense against workers’ rights and another against the rights of foreign workers, for alleged labor exploitation, in a restaurant in the El Arenal area of ​​Palm. The officers, through the victims’ statements, discovered that they were forced to work 14 hours a day.

The agents, during a routine check in various establishments in El Arenal, located a restaurant in which workers were offered abusive hours and working conditions, in violation of the collective hospitality agreement of the Balearic Islands , taking advantage of the personal situation of the three illegal foreign workers.

Ucrif investigators were able to conclude that the allegedly criminal activity of these people only concerned the group of foreign workers, leading to a regime of quasi-slavery.

The workers, recruited via an Internet messaging application, did not have the corresponding residence and work permit to be able to work, and were not registered with Social Security, due to lack of a legal contract, so that in the end, their work would not receive any type of reward. payment corresponding to time worked, vacation or overtime.

The victims, pushed by their different economic and personal situations (family responsibilities), and having no means of subsistence, were forced to accept the working conditions imposed by the manager and recruiter and the owner of the restaurant. However, many eventually stopped working due to the endless hours.



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