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HomeBreaking NewsPolice officer Iván was killed by a driver who tripled his alcohol...

Police officer Iván was killed by a driver who tripled his alcohol level while returning home in Gandia.

Iván was eager to change units in the national police so he could take to the streets and serve his country in the fight against crime. At 33, he needed action because he had joined the Security Forces and Corps for a vocation of service. But unfortunately, Iván Morant Pérez will not make this dream come true because of a drunk driver. who crushed it when he returned with his motorbike to his home in Gandía.

“I had known Ivan for over two years and At the police station we are all devastated“, as a colleague of the deceased points out to EL ESPAÑOL. Iván “endorsed the opposition in 2020” and since he was sworn in “in May 2022”, he has been assigned to the Protection Unit and Security (UPS) dhe Zapadores police complex in the Valencian neighborhood of Ruzafa. “This was his first and last destination,” laments this agent, helpless and unable to hold back his tears.

This Wednesday, Iván had a shift in the dungeons from 3 p.m. to 11 p.m.. “He was the companion you always want to have.” In fact, in the Zapadores complex he was known for his punctuality because, half an hour before, he was usually ready to start his shift. “He had the profile of a balanced police officer: he was hardworking, responsible, polite, friendly and always ready for whatever was entrusted to him. He was an impressive agent.”

One of his favorite topics of conversation was his brother: Máximo, another member of the National Corps. “Ivan passed the exam two years after his brother and always said he wanted to go to school. zetas to Gandia to patrol together“. That was the goal of this UPS agent: to be assigned to Citizen security zone, at the tourist zone police station capital of the region The Saforwhere Iván’s brother was stationed and where their father ran a business.

A panoramic view of Gandía (Valencia).

Tourist VAB

“We all know that Iván wanted to leave the Protection and Security Unit because he only worked in the dungeons and transported prisoners to the courts,” as another colleague confirmed. “This year He was a few points away from changing his destinationso in 2025 it could finally go to zetas working on the street.” But a drunk driver shattered the great dream of this thirty-year-old: to coincide with his brother, Máximo, at the same police station in Gandía, to patrol together and fight against delinquency.

Iván had a motorbike to go to Valencia to work because he lived alone in an apartment he had in Gandía. In this city with impressive beaches, this agent of Promotion 36 of the National Corps, led “a healthy life”, “practicing water sports”, while waiting to earn leave because “he liked to travel” and “hadn’t no partner.” , even if, according to a colleague, she had sought the company of a pet: “I had adopted a cat”.

Iván’s Instagram profile is presided over by a sentence that sums up the expectations of this thirty-year-old since he completed his police training in Gandia in 2021: “Success comes when your dreams are bigger than your excuses”. Such dreams ended this Wednesday, when a drunk driver crossed his path, after finishing hard work in the cells, at 11 p.m., and then rode away on his motorcycle. by the AP-7 highway to return home to Gandía.

“I had a scooter, I think it was a Yamaha model XMAX, and it wasn’t a big engine. Iván was a very careful motorist and the car hit him from behind,” as a colleague said. Here is the provisional account of the road accident offered by a Civil Guard spokesperson to EL ESPAÑOL: “It appears the driver of the vehicle was distracted and accidentally hit the motorcycle.crushing the motorist.

The accident happened around 11:20 p.m. this Wednesday, at kilometer 567 of the AP-7, near Tavernes de la Valldigna, towards Alicante. A SAMU ambulance and a resuscitation unit tried to resuscitate Iván because he was lying unconscious on the asphalt, but their efforts were in vain: he was already dead. The Civil Guard confirmed that The driver of the vehicle “tripled his alcohol level while driving”. So he was arrested for reckless homicide and driving under the influence.

Iván’s death shocked all the staff at the Valencia Police Headquarters. The family of the deceased is devastated. “He was brutally hit by a vehicle while he was driving his motorcycle correctly on the AP-7 highway, dying instantly,” said an agent. “At 3:30 in the morning, The unfortunate event was personally communicated to his father.through a service coordinator who was accompanied by an off-duty police officer who is a friend of Máximo: the officer who is Iván’s brother.”

The Guixa de Ganndía morgue where the body of the late policeman Iván Morant Pérez rests.

In fact, Máximo had to take a flight from Italy because he was informed of the death of his brother while he was on duty. “Was working in Rome for Frontex: the European Border and Coast Guard Agency“, according to another agent. “This Friday there will be an appearance, in uniform, at the Guixa morgue, where Iván’s body is being guarded.”

The Spanish Police Confederation presented a document requesting that agent Iván Morant Pérez, 33, posthumously receive the police merit medal with red badge. The CEP union justifies its request because this national police officer died in an accident on route: coming home from work.

“After completing his service, he began the journey back home, aboard his motorcycle, a means of transportation he regularly used to get from his home to the Zapadores offices where he was stationed. ‘is headed to the town of Gandía where he lived and during the trip, around 11:30 p.m., he was the victim of an accident, the result of a collision between his motorcycle and a vehiclethe outcome of which was his death”, according to the text.

The driver who allegedly caused this road accident while he was intoxicated has already been made available to the Court of Instruction number 1 of Sueca. A spokesperson for the Superior Court of Justice of the Valencian Community confirmed to EL ESPAÑOL that was releasedthe alleged author of the death of this national police officer, is the subject of an investigation for an offense of homicide by recklessness and another against road safety for driving under the influence of alcohol.

This man’s driving license has only been revoked and he will have to appear every 15 days to sign in court, because the prosecution is not interested in his imprisonment. “No appearance in prison took place and there was no request in this regard,” confirmed the spokesperson for the TSJ. The measure was harshly criticized by members of the CEP police union: “We are sold. It is necessary to strengthen road legislation in the Penal Code. “On Friday they bury Iván and this driver is already at home taking a shower.”




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