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HomeEntertainment NewsPolitical scientist Denis Pingaud theorizes a new concept: social ecology

Political scientist Denis Pingaud theorizes a new concept: social ecology

How to get out of the political crisis caused by the dissolution of the National Assembly? How can we give perspective to the left and prevent Marine Le Pen from coming to power? Denis Pingaud, political scientist, specialist in influence and opinion and former political advisor, proposes a path that he develops in his book Break the deadlock. The era of social ecology (Les Petits Matins, 192 pages, 18 euros). This “new political imagination” aims to go beyond traditional social democracy. Based on the idea of ​​strong growth to redistribute the fruits and reduce inequalities, this model has become, according to him, obsolete at a time of now slow growth and the challenges of the ecological transition. Given the consequences of climate change, “to the unsustainable tension between more and more growth and fewer and fewer available resources”, Social ecology aims to create the conditions for a transition. ” happy ” and not “punitive” For “preserve a model of society that guarantees both the limitation of global warming and social justice.”

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At the end of a relentless inventory of the current political situation, which calls into question the “pyromaniacs” that made possible the unsustainable electoral boom of the National Rally, the vice president of the think tank La Fabrique Écologique wants to demonstrate that socioecology is the way out of stagnation. Therefore, on the left, where the New Popular Front (NFP), which won first place in the legislative elections, is nevertheless relegated to the opposition and finds itself subject to the irreducible presidential ambitions of Jean-Luc Mélenchon after having refused to take stock of his too relative victory.

“When we win we open our arms, we don’t close them”writes, diagnosing the original sin of the “rebel” leader who, at 8:02 p.m., the afternoon of the second round of the legislative elections, annihilated any possibility of compromise by demanding the application of “the whole program, nothing more than the program” of the PFN. Unsustainable position although it would undoubtedly have been possible to seek the path of a historic compromise with other parliamentary forces.

“Consensual scene”

Night visitor to François Hollande in the Elysée, advisor to Yannick Jadot during the 2022 presidential campaign, former Trotskyist experienced in deciphering Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s strategy, Denis Pingaud knows the political spectrum of the left down to the smallest detail. Therefore, he advocates the start of a project. “resolute in its objectives, credible in its means and attractive in its methods” who must assume both a process of “rupture – because the risks of ecological catastrophe demand it – and reason – because governing is convincing and associating”. With, for example, “a nuclear commitment” To meet carbon-free energy needs during the renewable energy boom, the establishment of a “Bono-malus of the climate tax”or even “democracy at all levels”generalizing the practices of citizen democracy.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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