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Popular accusations will pressure Javier Hidalgo today to clarify his meetings with Begoña Gómez

Former Globalia CEO met twice with President’s wife before and after Air Europa bailout fund approved

Javier Hidalgo, former CEO of Globalia EFE


Updated at 04:00.

Javier Hidalgo, former CEO of Globalia, testifies this Thursday before the National Court as part of the procedure ordered by the Koldo case. Your presence before the judge Ismael Moreno This is an incitement to popular accusations, among which is the PP, because unlike those investigated, Hidalgo is obliged to tell the truth and answer the questions of all the lawyers, the prosecutor and the judge.

The ramifications of the Operation Delormefocused on clarifying responsibilities in the purchase of masks during the pandemic, have reached different actors, including the former CEO of Globaliawhich the lawyers will put pressure on today to try to clarify some of the gaps in the case, which are linked to the investigation carried out against the wife of the President of the Government for influence peddling.

It remains to be seen how permissive Judge Moreno is, initially reluctant with this testimony because he sees no connection with the contracts of the The Ministry of Transport is investigating.

Among the issues that are on the table and that the witness could clarify today are the meetings he had with Begoña Gómez in June and July 2020date on which the government approved the rescue fund with which months later it validated that of Air Europa. In addition, you must respond to the role played by the commissioner. Victor de Aldamawho was hired by Globalia, and of the meeting he had with José Luis Ábalos to discuss, as reported by his then advisor, Koldo García, the acquisition of the latter by Iberia.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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