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PP accuses Sánchez of launching a “dirty war” and carrying out a “general purge” against the media and judges: “This is fascism”

The deputy secretary of Autonomous and Local Coordination and Electoral Analysis of the PP, Elías Bendodo, accused on Friday the president of the government, Pedro Sánchez, of having launched a “dirty war” and carried out a “general purge” against the media and considers that they feel “uncomfortable”, as if they were in “the former Soviet Union”. “This is fascism,” he stressed.

This was stated during an appearance before the media in Cordoba, after the government presented last Tuesday an Action Plan for Democracy that was criticized by the popularPP leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo even accused Pedro Sánchez of seeking to impose “censorship”, something he said had not been seen “since Franco”.

Bendodo followed that line today, accusing Sánchez of launching a “dirty war against journalists, judges and everything that is uncomfortable for him.” “Sánchez says he will fight hoaxes and the media fake “And what worries him is not the media that is reporting fake news, but the media that is telling the truth about him, about his government and about the corruption that surrounds him,” the popular leader explained.

After pointing out that what this government intends to do “is reminiscent of other regimes”, Bendodo said that regeneration in Spain “must begin with the family environment, the government and the leadership of Pedro Sánchez’s party”. According to him, the democrats cannot “remain silent”.

Bendodo questions government actions in Edmundo Gonzalez case

The vice-secretary of the PP has asked from Córdoba for “explanations” from the former socialist president of the government José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero after the “scandal” that, according to him, occurred at the residence of the Spanish ambassador to Venezuela, where a “new connection” was made “with the “regime” of Nicolas Maduro to agree on the departure from that country of “the one who won the elections” on July 28, Edmundo González.

This is what he said, when questioned by journalists, when he described as an “absolute scandal” what is beginning to be known about “this new relationship with Venezuela” and stressed in this regard that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs “said that it had not negotiated anything with the Maduro regime and, however, it was in one of our diplomatic centers, namely the Spanish Embassy in Caracas, that the departure of the one who won the elections was agreed”, in reference to Edmundo González.

The PP leader defended that “the Spanish government should lead an international front to facilitate political change in Venezuela and overthrow the dictator” Nicolás Maduro, and “not do the opposite, that is, prevent this possibility”, just as he affirmed that “the Spanish ambassador to Venezuela witnessed coercion, and our embassy was the place where these coercions took place.”

Bendodo also stressed that if the national leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, “were president of the government, Spain would undoubtedly recognize Edmundo González as president-elect of Venezuela, as the Congress of Deputies has already ordered it to do. the government will do so as soon as possible, and as the European Parliament ordered yesterday”, and highlighted the case of the four Portuguese socialist MEPs who voted in favor of the initiative, only to then criticize the fact that the Spanish socialists did not vote for it.

The government has dissociated itself from the document signed by Edmundo González and assures that Spain did not participate in the “political negotiation” with the Maduro government for the departure of the opposition candidate, although it has not yet specified when it became aware of the document it signed in exchange for being able to leave Caracas and in which the opposition candidate recognizes the electoral victory of Nicolas Maduro. González Urrutia himself has distanced himself from the PP’s statements, leaving the party without arguments: “I was not forced by the Spanish government or the ambassador.”

PP regional leaders meet with Sánchez

Elías Bendodo also referred to the bilateral meetings convened this Friday in La Moncloa with the Andalusian president as well as with the president of Galicia, Alfonso Rueda, who, according to the deputy secretary popular “They will tell” the president of the government the “truths of the boatman”. “May Sánchez lose all hope of blackmail and corruption”, indicated Bendodo, who added that Pedro Sánchez is “wrong” if he believes that with the “vis-à-vis” of Moncloa “he will divide the unity of Spain, dividing the regional presidents.

He wanted to clarify that the presidents of the PP communities “will not accept a multi-level Spain or funnel pacts, that is, the broadest for the independence movement and the narrowest for the rest of the autonomous communities.” Nor will they accept “black market purchases, as Sánchez might be tempted to do, as he did with the independence movement.”

Bendodo presented in Córdoba the motion that the PP will present to parliaments, city councils and town councils to defend fair financing that guarantees equal treatment for all citizens, wherever they live.

He said that it is “the right time for everyone to come forward” and for the socialist barons, “who say they are very angry”, to really clarify their position and offer “reliable evidence that they are on an equal footing” and not with funding dictated by the independence movement.

This motion, as he pointed out, is “the cotton test for the PSOE to demonstrate once and for all if there is life outside of socialism or if all of Sanchism has absorbed it.” He indicated that, specifically in Andalusia, the PSOE “has become an endangered species,” with a secretary general, Juan Espadas, who “is the greatest applauder of Sanchism,” because he is in “its survival, more than in its usefulness.” to all Andalusians.

For his part, the president of the Cordoba PP, Adolfo Molina, warned of the “complicated moment” in which “the president of the government agrees on things with one region of Spain to the detriment of others and on what we, Andalusians and Cordobans, deserve.” Thus, the president of the Council, Juanma Moreno, will transmit during her meeting with Sánchez “many of the concerns and problems of the people of Cordoba.”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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